Procrastination has become a disease. Of course, we wouldn’t be living in this day and age if what used to be just a little whim is now considered a “negative”, or a disease, an ailment that requires medication. All for a dollar, I say.

I, for one, think procrastination is a good thing. If you understand the Law of Attraction you know what I mean.

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that we must be aligned with cosmic energy. To do so, we are told to send out positive thoughts, which in turn will bring us into alignment with the Universe. Once that is established, then, it follows that we will be properly inspired to action.

An action without inspiration is fruitless, that is, it is not good. You will not feel good and you will offer resistance while acting on certain things. Therefore, the action itself will be simply bad, and the results even worse.

Let me give you an example: I know that every Tuesday I have to write an article for my e-zine. I have some topics in mind that I think you will not only enjoy, but also use my suggestions and feel better. After all, that’s what this e-zine is all about.

When I feel the pressure to write when I’m not quite ready to do so, I sit in front of the computer and stare at the monitor for hours. I waste my time because I am not using it in the most productive way. Also, the article needs tons of revisions as the post is truncated. I have done it in the past and would not recommend it to anyone. Things don’t work the way they should.

However, if I wait until my inspiration flows, I am pretty sure that I will not only write an inspirational article, but also write it much faster and finish it in no time. And feel good in the process.

I can give you many examples of how we force actions and waste time. And then we complain that we can’t get things done. It is not surprising. Think back to when you had to write a college report, or when you needed to vacuum, or empty your bags and put away your clothes after traveling, and, gosh, do your taxes!

You were completely out of alignment with the Universe; You hated doing what you had to. you were unhappy And that’s not good. So now that you know better, the next time a similar situation arises, take these two suggestions:

1. Wait for inspiration to strike

Sitting in front of the computer doing nothing will do me no good. Yet while I wait for my inspired action, I respond to my most important emails, do business, make plans for future articles and books, read about things I’m interested in learning right now, and so on.

Soon, as if by magic, I know exactly what I am going to write and I will prepare a good article in no time. Instead of wasting time, I increased my business, learned something new, got in touch with my loved ones, etc.

2. Outsource

I know my limitations and I act on what I love and I know how to do it well. Who am I to deal with numbers? Well, I can’t budget, let alone taxes. I love to think about money; I just don’t mind calculating.

My inspiration will never come when I think about doing taxes. I am not aligned with the Universe in that sense. Instead of developing a headache and gaining 10 pounds eating chocolate (comfort food), I give my papers to a person who loves to do this kind of thing and is good at it too. Do I have to pay for your services? Bet! But boy, is this one of my best investments, if you ask me, because I feel free to do the things I love and feel happy in the process.

Therefore, there. The next time someone criticizes you for being a procrastinator, simply say, “I’m not a procrastinator; I’m just waiting for inspiration.” And leave things like that.

Now, before you declare that you’re not inspired at all, try your homework. Sometimes it’s just a matter of getting started; you’ll soon see that a little kick was just what you needed. Go for it!

Watch? In a short time I just wrote more than 740 words. I just hope you read and enjoyed them all.