Do you really know that you can perform a reverse search by phone number to find out the information of the person who is calling you on your cell phone or landline? Now you can easily find unknown caller personal details like their full name, residential address, relatives, neighbors, location map and public records etc. simply by entering the phone number in the trusted reverse phone number lookup directories.

But wait; there is more than just finding the search directories and entering the number to find the caller details. There are many free search services available on the Internet that may seem like the most obvious to start with. But after much trial and error, I found out that these services provide a very limited amount of information and also with a very limited amount of landline numbers.

One of the deepest weaknesses I found with those free services is that they work from phone number databases that contain only information in the public domain, such as the landline number database. So if you want to do a reverse lookup by cell phone number, you won’t find those numbers in their databases. This is also true for unregistered and VOIP phone numbers.

In addition, they provide very basic information about the person, such as their name and address. Now, sometimes it is always a better idea to have detailed information about the unknown caller, such as their public records or information about their relatives and neighbors.

Many free services do not update or update their phone number databases for a longer time. This is not the case with premium search services which are, in my opinion, the most accurate and reliable services on the internet right now. They provide all the personal data mentioned above and have access to the information of all cell number owners from different private cell phone companies on a lease basis.

This makes premium lookup services the preferred option if you want to perform a reverse lookup by phone number to find caller details instantly and without wasting your precious time.