Today’s companies can benefit from Social Media Marketing. This involves the use of websites that bring people together in an informal cyber environment. Most of these sites are free to join and use. The best news is that by making friends on these sites, you can foster business relationships that will help you win friends and associates.

Facebook or MySpace are two of the main Social Media Marketing sites. Setting up an account with either is easy; just follow the virtual form given to you. When entering your details, please include your company name and important information about your company. This will become part of your profile so people will see it every time they visit your home page.

However, you don’t have to stop there. Continue your marketing by updating your status frequently. Go to Facebook or MySpace and write some news or information about your business as a post. You can also post links to your website whenever you want.

The important thing to remember about these Social Media Marketing websites is that you want to make friends online. You will have the opportunity to invite people to be your friends right away. It’s a good idea to start with as many friends as possible, but it helps to have even a few. Over time, you will be given the option to add friends who have mutual friends with you. The more friends you get, the more people you will reach.

Twitter is also becoming popular these days. People like to tweet about what they’re doing and read about their friends. Again, use this social media marketing tool to make as many friends and potential customers as possible. You will have followers, some who will decide to follow you without any prompting from you. It’s also a good idea to follow others, as these people will likely follow you. The things you can post are similar to things you can post on other sites like Facebook and MySpace.

There are special Social Media Marketing groups online that function like insider clubs. You are asked to join and then you ask others to join. This is one way to create a professional network. LinkedIn is one of these directory type programs that you can use. You can not only create a network of associates; You can also involve people in other businesses who could be your customers.

Social Media Marketing is one of the best ways to reach people over the Internet on a personal level. It’s all about making friends and then updating them on your business. It will only take a fraction of your time and can yield great rewards.