No matter how turbulent things are around us, we can find inner peace. Peace is always there, it is what remains when we turn our attention away from the terrifying things around us. And inner peace is the first step towards inner power.

To return to peace, you need to know your limits. Acknowledge when you’ve had enough: enough uncertainty, enough negativity, and enough indoctrination. Instead of allowing the external clamor to saturate your energy with fear, you can stop that process simply by closing your eyes to the external world for a time and regaining your internal balance. Acknowledge when you’ve had enough and simply become unavailable for the incessant clamor out there. Turn your vision inward; let your heart remind you that in the infinity of life where the Spirit is omnipresent, there is always peace.

Commit to forgetting the world for a while. You may be able to do it only during your sleep or meditation time, and that’s a start. Allow yourself to forget about the news and all the serious problems around you. Enters. Calm your mind and your soul will speak. Reconnect with your truth and with what is appropriate, safe and enriching to You.

Choose to find peace in stillness. Instead of struggling with issues when you wake up at 3 am, tune in to the stillness underneath your worries and worries. Let that sweet and comforting peace underneath the confusion embrace you. Feel wrapped in Divine peace like a cloak of love, and let it fill you with courage, calm and faith, knowing that you are never alone.

Let your inner compass guide you. Rather than letting the outward clamor dictate your actions, let your inner voice be your guide. As Deepak Chopra often said, the external hustle and bustle on the surface of life is a distraction from the deeper work of soul creation. Try shifting your focus away from outside noise to listening inside. Lean on the soft voice of your heart and align your life from the inside out, with the inner compass of your soul’s guidance.

Use your discernment to identify and steer clear of fear games. Notice how fear always implies lack, loss, and danger. The intimidation tactics of fear target the ego’s drive for survival. By recognizing these bullying tactics, you can walk away from them rather than participate. You don’t need anyone to tell you what to feel, think or choose. You don’t need to lose yourself in guilt, judgment, or fear; be it your own emotions or the emotions of others. And you don’t need the pain, anger, agony, or suffering that comes from a life dictated by external standards and ego judgments. Recognize that these judgments are projected by the unhealed injuries and traumas of others; then walk away without committing. No matter what happens, don’t let anything or anyone lead you to guilt, shame, anger, or fear.

Remember that fear and anger separate, while love heals and unites. Choose love over anger and faith over fear. Forgive the limitations of those who use attack as a form of defense. Acknowledge that you don’t know any better and that your egos are struggling to survive. Then walk away and focus on your truth.

Believe in yourself and the invisible hands that hold you.

You are not weak or powerless; Your true nature is limitless and Divine! The more you seek to know and align with this Higher nature, the more powerful you will become in its service to all life. You are never alone and your service is needed right now. When you really know who you are, the fear disappears. Align yourself with your true identity, the Divine to find expression through you, bring hope and healing that is desperately needed in this broken world.

Remember that you always, always have a choice. Be determined to always choose the best you can. When challenged, are you choosing to be afraid or are you choosing to lean on the courage of your truth? This is not the time to be afraid. You and I were created for a time like this, or we wouldn’t be here. Accept the challenge; then use your free will to choose courage over fear, faith over doubt, and confidence over cowardice.

Do not be afraid. Fear has no power, it only feeds on the power you give it. FEAR is simply an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. You do not need to fall for their false pretenses, because the presence of Truth within you is always ready to guide you.

Even when the outside world is plagued with confusion and illusion, there is nothing to fear; the outer signs simply indicate that this is a time to deepen and reconnect with your Truth, power, and courage. Trust in divine guidance and protection, and nurture that relationship on a daily basis. Even when you feel momentarily weak, know that the Presence of Divinity within is your true source of strength.

Let that Presence fill you with courage, faith and peace.

Then step out into your world with confidence and let the light, love, and courage shine through you to bring clarity and reason to everyone around you. You are an unlimited soul! You are a powerful instrument in the service of the Creator. You were born for these times. And then yes, you can!