Did you know that the legendary merchant WD Gann was an astrologer?

In 1914, he was a member of The Astrological Society, Inc NY with Sepharial, George Llewellyn, Frank C Higgins and had associations with Edward Johndro, Luther Jensen and CC Zain. Gann also published a list of recommended books that he had for sale: topics that included Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, and other esoteric titles such as the Oracles of Nostradamus. In his encrypted novel The Tunnel Thru the Air, he wrote about mediums, clairvoyants, and even Atlantis! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of Sherlock Holmes and The Lost World, is also mentioned, as he was a leading researcher of spiritualism in the 1920s, traveling the world investigating reports of supernatural spiritual phenomena.

Do you find it incredulous and hard to understand like most traders I know?

Newspaper articles from the 1920s called WD Gann a prophet and a mathematical seer. “Mr. Gann has made remarkable market forecasts that have proven true over time. His calculations are based on letters, numbers and astrology.” Trade Magazine, 1921.

“Mr. Gann receives calls every day from leading men and women in all walks of life asking him to cast their horoscopes for them. He tells politicians whether or not they will be elected and solves other problems for clergymen, bankers and statesmen “. The evening telegram of 1923.

He also did horoscopes for commodities, an example is his horoscope for coffee.

In the prologue to The Tunnel Thru the Air (TTTA), Gann tells you that it contains a mysterious and valuable secret, wrapped in veiled language. What could this be? I have found, like many others, that studying Gann not only teaches you how to dominate the markets, but also opens your mind to metaphysical laws beyond our ordinary perception, such as his Law of Vibration and secrets hidden in sacred geometry.

In his later years, we know from some private letters, Gann revealed his astrological methods to a few of his private students, especially in trading commodities such as soybeans, cotton, and coffee. Astrological symbols are scattered throughout many of Gann’s charts and trading operations. Gann also built his own graphical ephemeris to track planetary motion through the zodiac, which he called The Path of the Planets. Amazingly, he used planetary longitude and aspects to get price levels!

It has been said that to truly understand the secrets and symbolism of TTTA, it is not only necessary to be an astrologer, but also a high degree Freemason like Gann. In this sense, my research reveals that Masonic rituals have their origin in ancient Egypt and the Temples of Initiation. We know that Pythagoras was initiated into the Egyptian mysteries and was taught the secrets by the High Priests. Gann made trips to both Egypt and India in search of ancient texts where he found the Square of Nine, an ancient system of Time and Number also known as The Pythagorean Cube and the basis of ancient Numerology.

Why did WD Gann call the Holy Bible the BOOK of all books?

From TTTA Pg. 172 “Robert was a great believer in astrology because he had found this great science that is referred to so many times in the Holy Bible. He had taken notes while reading the Bible at different times where it referred to the astrology or the signs in the heavens and was completely convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies governs our lives”.

Pg 175. “Roberto knew that the Bible was full of references to the heavens ruling. He had read where it said: ‘Discern the end from the beginning, where Jesus said: “I will judge you at the place of your birth”.

“Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and a cause that exists long before the effect occurs and can be determined years in advance. The Future is nothing more than a repetition of the past, as the Bible clearly says: What was, that will be; and what was done, the same will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun”. Ecl.1.9.

So, if you’ve always wanted to explore the esoteric side of WD Gann and don’t know where to start, Astrology for Gann Traders offers a unique gateway to put you on the path to understanding. Astrology is a science of universal prophetic laws. As you can see, Gann called it the greatest science, yet it can take many years for him to understand and apply.

My intention is to immerse you in the Sacred Science of Astrology so that you can discern the future and thrive on foreknowledge. Get information and techniques used not only by Gann, but also by other financial astrologers such as Sepharial, Luther Jensen, and George Bayer.

It is often said that knowledge is power, however, I truly believe that prior knowledge is empowerment.

In The Tunnel Thru the Air on page 78, Gann wrote, “IT IS NOT MY PURPOSE TO EXPLAIN THE CAUSE OF CYCLES. The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explained it.”

That was 83 years ago, almost a Uranus cycle and time of change and awakening. Are you ready NOW?