Taking risks is what life is all about. It doesn’t matter how big or small. To get what you want, you have to work hard. You have to put yourself out there and stand on the edge of that precipice.

When you’re standing on the edge of the cliff, a million things go through your head. Am I doing the right thing? What will be the result? What if everything collapses? But what if everything goes well and the result is even better than expected?

Risk is the will to do something without knowing the result. If you try and fail, you can always pick yourself up and try again. Being able to take risks feeds our inner need to risk something. We all take risks every day, even if we don’t recognize it.

Doing the smallest thing at first can often lead to something great. You never know where your chances may take you. Happiness may be a risk away and you may never know it unless you try.

Life without risk is like being an eagle without wings. In other words, you will not achieve anything if you do not take risks. It is like wanting to achieve something without a goal. In fact, it is impossible to live without showing any risk. Yes you can, survive. However, there is a big difference between surviving and living. Living is driving and having a life full of passion and trying new things.

Taking risks is part of life. If you notice, every successful person we’ve ever heard of took a risk in their past to become who they are now. In the true sense of the word, the biggest risk is not taking one. But what happens if you stop courting risk? Can you live a meaningful life without even taking any chances?

A risk-free life is a strange thing to think about. Taking risks allows us not only to grow but to understand more deeply what we will not sacrifice or what makes us feel insecure. The risk can be a curl on ourselves. We come to know ourselves more deeply when we stubbornly face our fears.

You cannot afford to cling to the status quo. It’s an illusion anyway. In reality, everything is changing, and that means you could change too, if you plan to keep up.