Here are 3 real magic spells that anyone can do. You must first decide what type of spell you want to do and what you want to create, manifest or attract. These 3 real magic spells are for 3 different things, so you can choose what to start with. You can use these 3 royal magic spells in any way you choose. Use them as a springboard to get started in the magical ways, or just for temporary use.

First of three real magic spells – Love Spell:

Start by creating an incense with the following ingredients:
1 ounce dried rose petals
¼ ounce sweet cornet (calamus root)
½ ounce cinnamon
¼ ounce anise seed
¼ ounce frankincense
1 ounce sandalwood powder
¼ teaspoon of saltpeter

Place a red candle on your altar with a red heart to the right of the candle. You can cut one out of paper using something you bought that is red and shaped like a heart. In front of the candle place a lodestone or magnet. To the left of the candle place your incense burner with a piece of charcoal and your incense ready to use. When you are ready to begin, light the candle and charcoal and place some incense on the charcoal and chant the following.

“Bring me my sweet love,
My heart and hope and dove.
Bring me someone special
Someone (list three traits you want in a person here)
I long to love you and hug you,
To whisper things of love in your ear.
I want to hug and have a love,
Cherish even life above.”

Second of three royal magic spells – a spell for the protection of Archangel Michael:

This spell protects you from damage. Michael, the Archangel is invoked in this spell

Close your eyes and imagine Archangel Michael standing before you, holding his flaming cobalt sword. Say, “Michael to my right, (imagine moving to your right) Michael to my left, (imagine there are now two Michaels, one to your right and one to your left) Michael on top of me, (now, imagine another Michael above your head) Michael below me, (imagine another Michael right below you) Michael inside me, (now imagine another Michael inside you) Michael, with your flaming cobalt blue sword, please protect me today, now that this spell I do”.

Third Real Magic Spells – To Earn Money

Get a cauldron. A large bowl will work well, especially if you can find a metal bowl. A cauldron is used for magical purposes only, so it is more powerful, however it is not necessary. Fill the cauldron or container halfway with water and place it outside where you want to cast the spell so that the moonlight shines on the water. Sweep your hands over the water as if gathering the silver moons.

While doing this say:
“Dear lady of the moon, bring me your wealth soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold.
Anything you give, my bag can hold.”

The more you practice, the more powerful you will become. Cast spells as often as possible. Also continue to learn through teachers, books and programs to develop your natural power as well. These royal magic spells will become more powerful as you become more powerful. This is true for any ritual or spell you decide to do.