Dogs are domesticated and highly social animals; However, if you don’t take the time to learn how to train your dog, it will take control of your home and end up causing all sorts of problems by barking, scratching, and breaking things in your home. Anyone who has a canine friend understands the importance of learning how to train your dog; However, everywhere you look, it seems like everyone has some sort of advice and opinion on the best way to train your canine friend. We all have to learn to discipline our dogs if you want your home to remain peaceful. The best part is that you and your pets can live in harmony and can learn to train your dog without taking him to some dog obedience school. I have listed below 5 easy steps on how to train your dog so that you both can have a great happy life.

1. Consistency: If you notice that your dog is doing something wrong, take the time to discipline him every time you notice that he is doing it. Dogs are no different than children; They learn from repetition, the more often you tell them not to do something, the more often you tell them not to do it.

2. Come Command: Only use this for positive reasons. Never tell your dog to come to you and then discipline him for something he did wrong. If you do this, they will be afraid to come to you when you tell them. You must learn to discipline them the moment they do something wrong.

3. Positive rewards: Every time your dog does something nice, let him know that you agree with what he has done. Many people give their dog treats when he does something right. This will work just as well on your dog as corrective behavior; they will understand that doing this is good and they will be more likely to do it because they know that if they do they will be rewarded with a treat.

4. Dominant Behavior: If you have more than one dog, don’t let one of them display dominant behavior towards the other. If this happens, let them know that it will not be tolerated. You can help them live together as a healthy package without any problem.

5. Patience: Training anyone, be it a dog, a person or anyone else, we all know that patience has to be learned. However, if you follow these steps consistently, you can and will achieve a peaceful home and everyone will be happy.

You can train your dog yourself, you don’t have to pay for any high paying dog obedience classes. If you are new to training your dog and would like more information on how to address any of your dog’s behavior problems, feel free to visit our website below for more professional advice.