We have discussed the limitations of content marketing with other marketers and many feel that web content has reached critical volume. More content is being published than people can consume. Now you are probably wondering why we keep writing to you when there is already so much online. That’s like asking why new smartphone brands are emerging despite so many smartphones on the market. We address a specific audience.

But there is another important aspect that marketers are missing. The role of influencers in content promotion has been observed in recent years. This is why content marketers have incorporated influencer marketing as well as other means of content promotion. Influencing marketing statistics has been favorable enough that companies have started not only to invest in them, but also to maintain, if not increase, their share of the marketing budget for it.

But then how do you put content and influencer marketing together? Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are still the most popular sites for sharing content. These active online hubs are also where you can find influencers, people with a large following and high engagement. If you find these people and build a relationship with them, they can open doors for your audience. But how do you get them to work with you and for your brand?

1. Discover the authorities in your niche.

Each niche has authorities. These are people who have knowledge and experience in their industries or fields, and they pass what they know on to other people. The latter turn to the former for suggestions and advice. Therefore, the authorities influence how their followers think. In doing so, they influence their behavior as consumers. That is why knowing these authorities is a key step in influencer marketing. Companies are now investing in working with these professionals and specialists to bolster their social media and content marketing strategies.

The question is how can you find these experts in your niche. It is easier than you think. The fastest way is to use relevant keywords. Most likely, these influencers are using the same keywords that you are using. Therefore, it makes sense to search for them on multiple social media sites using the same keywords. The relevant ones usually appear in the search results. Of course, the good old fashioned way is to Google them to find their websites or their blogs. List them!

2. Evaluate the influencers.

You can’t contact them all at once. That is a waste of time and energy. Most of them will just ignore you. Worse still, many of them are not really suitable for your brand for various reasons. Choose those whose content is most relevant to your brand. Also, include those with significant engagement. It’s not just the size of the followers that matters.

3. Establish a relationship with your influencers.

Figuring out how to connect with your prospects is hard. He is uncomfortable at first. But the simplest and least creepy way is to start small. Leave a comment on one of their posts. Subscribe to his blog. Follow them on Facebook or Instagram. Retweet their posts. Do this for several weeks. Don’t stop once you’re noticed. In fact, that’s when you punch him. Be nice. Respond to their responses. Correspond. Don’t ask them to go see your things!

4. Sometimes all you have to do is ask.

You won’t get an answer if you don’t ask. In many ways, marketing is about asking people to do what you want them to do. It is true even in influencer marketing. At some point you just have to cut to the chase and tell it like it is. However, only do this once you’ve started a connection and built trust. They will naturally become curious and may even offer help. If that doesn’t happen, then pushing a bit more isn’t a bad idea. After all, what is there to lose?

However, do not sound imposing. Express your interest in collaborating. Let’s say you think it’s a great idea if the two of you can work together on a topic. Maybe you can write a script for a video or you can write an article together.

5. Discuss how it benefits them to work with you.

Let’s treat it. Influencers are worried about profit. Everybody is. So make sure you launch with your advantage in mind. Don’t make everything to help you. Make it a point to help them too. As much as you love your audience, they would appreciate it too if they could tap into yours.

6. Make it easy for them to work with you.

You need them more than they need you, if they need you at all. So make it as easy as possible for them to collaborate with you. If you want them to write content for you, leave it on your terms or mutually decide the guidelines. Remember, they are bloggers, professionals or entrepreneurs. They don’t have time to worry about your little content creation rules.

7. Express gratitude.

So one of the best bloggers in your industry has written a post about you. Immediately write them a thank you note. Give them a shout out on your social media accounts. Mention them in your next posts. Ingratitude is a no-no of influencer marketing.

8. Stay connected.

Having them share your brand message with your audience or guest write on your blog is not the end, but the beginning of a partnership that you need to continue to strengthen. Cultivate that relationship with constant communication. Keep liking and sharing their relevant posts. Don’t stop planning future projects together.

Ideally, influencer marketing reaches a stage where you are not only marketing through influencers, but also marketing with them. In other words, they become partners and attract audiences to each other’s channels. All this takes a long time. No influencer marketing agency can do it overnight and run away from anyone who says they can.