One of my readers contacted me in response to my article on past lives and paying off karmic debts. She asked 3 very interesting questions: 1) Why the need to surround yourself with people with similar karma? 2) Self-history of being a victim of incest and abuse, now also an emerging pattern in my son’s life. How do we both free ourselves? 3) Is a transformation of negative karma possible by doing good to others who suffer in a similar way?

I want to thank the reader for contacting me (and apologize for taking so long to address these insightful and thought-provoking questions). I intend to address these questions in this article, but first, I want to make two things clear.

First, I will share my own personal life and reveal that I, too, experienced incest rape by an immediate family member as a child. I say this just to reassure you that I know what you’ve been through, not only from a conceptual level but also from an experiential level. Therefore, this article is written from a place of deeper understanding and humility.

The second thing I want to make clear is that I do not pretend to replace the universal end or be the answer to any question. That’s not my intention (and if it was, I’d stop reading right now if I were you). My intention is to inspire you to your own new thinking, to help you find a key that will open a new door in your mind.

Only your own new thinking can take you to the next level. or give it the growth and expansion it seeks. And, only you can open that new door. No one outside of you can provide your definitive answers because they are unique to you. I just hope to inspire you to that new thinking (whether you agree with the words of this article or not).

So, with that out of the way, let’s dive into those questions:

1) Why the need to surround yourself with people with similar karma?

In fact, you don’t need surround yourself with people with similar karma. you are attractive people with vibrations similar to yours. When your predominant vibration is “victim,” “rape,” “hurt,” “blame,” or anything else (positive or negative), this becomes the predominant message you’re sending out to the universe and the universe absolutely will. reflect the parallel back to you. This is impossible due to the law of attraction. He is an absolute and you can count on him!

2) Self-story as a victim of incest and abuse, now an emerging pattern in my son’s life as well. How do we both free ourselves?

This may be the hardest for you to hear, but in my own experience, there is only one path to true freedom: you must completely let go of the illusion of “victimism,” and even the “survivor” mentality, and abandon the “blame cycle” completely. As long as you are “blaming” or making someone other than yourself responsible for anything in your life, you cannot truly progress. Period. You must take full responsibility for all in your current reality.

This is hard to hear and even harder to do. (Trust me, I know!) But the good news is, if you can accept this message, you won’t believe the empowerment and freedom that awaits you! It’s like a magic wand that will transform you into something you didn’t know was possible. Actually! (And by the way, the most powerful thing you could do to help your child at this point is demonstrate doing just that!)

3) Is a transformation of negative karma possible by doing good to others who suffer in a similar way?

Again, this can be a bit hard to hear, but very powerful once fully accepted: you don’t need to “transform” anything negative. What you need is to change your focus from “negative” to “positive”.

You are growing, evolving and looking for more. That is why you are here on this planet right now. You can call this “transform” if you want, but it’s not about focusing on something negative until it becomes positive. (In my experience, this is a waste of energy.)

As I said in the original article, “Reliving painful experiences from the past, whether in this life or the last, doesn’t help us!”Focus on where you want to go from here, what you want to grow into, and give it all your energy.

Now, it’s okay to help others who “suffer similarly” as you put it, if you resonate with that, but be careful not to align yourself with the “suffering” part, because that’s what you’ll attract! It is not about paying a debt or righting a mistake, it is about growth, expansion and advancement, for you and for all of us, for our global consciousness.

Feeling trapped in a cycle of negative karmic debt is one of the most debilitating and limiting beliefs out there. If you feel like you are paying off some kind of karmic debt or experiencing karmic retribution in this life experience, if you feel like your past lives are somehow ruining your here and now, then I invite you to start stepping into your power by taking one. Little baby step right now: forgive yourself for anything you think you’ve done wrong and accept your unfathomable value, to your higher self and all that is.