Beauty is not superficial. It is the attitude that separates the beauty from the crowd. “Looking at the beauty of the world is the first step to purify the mind.” The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she wears or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the door to her heart, the place where love resides. The true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul. A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is happy has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears. All women are beautiful, regardless of their appearance. You just need to touch her soul with respect and appreciation for her inner beauty and you will be rewarded with joy. The heart is much more important than the package.

I love natural beauty, and I think it’s your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is very transformative. I would never endorse an equity cream. I believe in natural beauty.

True beauty cannot shine through makeup. Many of us cannot even imagine our life without makeup. It sounds strange and even scary to many girls, thanks to the media popularization of unrealistic beauty standards. Be beautiful without makeup ?! Is it even possible?

For many of us it would be foolish to even go to the supermarket without makeup.

The media often force us to believe that a woman without makeup cannot look attractive or beautiful.

If someone wants to live a life without makeup, or at least be able to have days without makeup, then it makes sense to put a little more effort into caring for the natural beauty of their face, hair, and body.

1) Feel beautiful (even without makeup)

Yes, the first step towards natural beauty without makeup is connected with the internal perception of yourself: your own image. If a girl considers herself beautiful and is capable of accepting herself totally and unconditionally, the whole world will feel the same for her. Yes, it is that simple!

But if you don’t feel comfortable and self-confident without makeup, try to adapt the new “natural” image gradually.

2) Your skin is your everything!

If you decide to live a makeup-free life, it doesn’t mean you have to give up all skincare products entirely. Many skin problems are related to the excessive use of makeup; Skin tone becomes uneven due to your body’s reaction to a foundation, concealer, or blush. If skin problems persist, see a dermatologist; It is better to treat the problem right away than to put it on hold in a waiting box. Some other beauty tips for your skin include: use face masks 2-3 times a week (choose masks based on your skin type), and exfoliate your skin regularly (we’re not just talking about exfoliating your facial skin, exfoliate all of your skin). body.

3) Healthy eating and water

Good nutrition is important not only for the beauty of our skin, but also for the general health of our body.

We are what we eat, therefore, a healthy and balanced diet should be our faithful friend for life.

Make sure you eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, as well as healthy fats and proteins; These are so important to our beauty.

And of course, our best friend is water! Try to drink about 8 glasses of water a day and also treat yourself to a green or white tea every now and then, because these are rich in antioxidants and will help your skin look fresh and youthful for a long time, even without makeup.

4) Smile and love yourself

Smile will instantly help you feel and look pretty, even if you don’t have makeup on!

As Audrey Hepburn once said: “The prettiest girl is the happiest!” Smile every time you look in the mirror, smile at the people you see on the street and, in general, let the smile be your favorite accessory, you will see how the whole world will start smiling at you!

Love yourself. Accept yourself totally and completely. I love how you look with or without makeup, because you are truly unique and beautiful! Remember it!

5) And your hair?

If you want to look pretty without makeup, it is important to take good care of your hair and keep your hair color almost natural.

Try to keep your hair in tip-top condition by using proper hair care products that are suitable for your hair type, and apply masks and oil treatments regularly. Nothing can be more beautiful than silky shiny locks!

It became our daily ritual to get up early and put on our “beautiful” makeup mask.

In this article, we are not suggesting that you completely get carried away and forget to take care of yourself; otherwise,

How do you feel about yourself inside? All up to you. Try to feel beautiful. Yes. Right now, at this very moment … Know that it is pretty!