“Never think that a few caring people can’t change the world. Because, in fact, that’s all they have.” -Margaret mead

I can’t believe this is my final post for 2016. It went by so fast. Isn’t it always like that?

My post today is short, short and sweet.

As we enter 2017 in the days ahead, we have to come together as a country and as a world. Change will not come from the top down. it never does. It will come from the bottom up.

If you are looking for a change in our country, in the world or in your life, you have to start by looking in the mirror.

The change starts with you. Don’t think for a second that it starts with someone or something outside of you.

How you treat your parents, children, spouse, partner, friends, co-workers, the stranger, everyone you meet makes a difference in the energy of the world.

One of my favorite quotes is this: “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”

That’s very true. None of us walk in anyone else’s shoes. We don’t know the joys and pain of anyone else. We only really understand our own. So it’s up to each of us to remember that and check ourselves. It is up to each of us to see how we treat each person who crosses our path.

I always say, don’t look in the rear view mirror. What done is done. A minute ago is past. You can’t change the past. He went away.

But you can change your present. You can change this moment. And you can certainly change your morning.

I firmly believe that each of us has the power to change the world in a positive way. And, for each of us who rises to the challenge of making the world a little kinder, more compassionate, and brighter, we join someone else, someone we may never meet, who is trying to do the same thing.

And do you know what happens then?

You end up meeting people who want to work with you to make the world a better place in a positive way that isn’t seething with anger, frustration, and negativity.

My challenge to you in these last days of 2016 is simple. If you think the world has too much violence, too much hate, too much division, too much negativity, then look in the mirror. And then commit to making each and every day of your life a little better, even for a moment, for yourself and even better for someone else. What you will find at the end of next year, if you have done it every day, is that you have given the world at least 365 minutes (a little over 6 hours) of positive light.

And the world needs more of that light from each of us.