The biceps are without a doubt one of those muscle groups that every man wants. They are what we call a glory muscle. They show up on your jerseys and when you see a guy with good weapons, you say to yourself “wow, that guy must be strong.”

Now, while it’s true that the biceps are a glorious muscle group, it may also be true that the biceps are an overrated muscle group. Why is this what you ask?

Well, when you think about the exercises that experts recommend you do to get really strong, there are almost never bicep curls of any kind. In fact, the closest thing to curls is chin-ups, and while they work the biceps, they’re there primarily to work the lats.

So if the experts really recommend that you don’t spend a lot of time working your biceps, then why are they so often the first thing you get to the gym, and even more often, they’re overworked and everything else is? little worked?

Another big question is why do people spend so much time on the biceps while spending little to no time on the triceps? The triceps is actually about 60-65% of the actual arm, so you would think that working that would actually be more efficient in giving you bigger arms and bigger arms.

This is almost never the case. In fact, it’s not just beginners who do this, I see it all the time, intermediate strength trainers work their biceps a lot more than they need to and don’t work their chest, shoulders and back as much as they need to. In fact, some of these people don’t even train their legs.

In fact, your back workout provides a great workout for your biceps. They really use a lot of the same moves, all pushing moves. This is why when you do lat pulldowns or rows, you often feel it in your biceps rather than your back. Your back is such a large muscle that it can require much more exercise than your biceps.

Well, we’ve listed a few reasons why biceps are overrated, but why are they still such a glorious muscle? You know you like to think you have big biceps and you also know that women like to see them sticking out of shirts, so the question remains if they’re overrated.

This is something that can’t really be justified one way or the other. One thing is certain, there will always be people who like to work their biceps and forget about many of the other important muscle groups. Are they wrong to do so? Technically yes, but who can really blame someone for working a muscle group that they think is going to give them the attention they’ve been looking for?