I prefer to buy high-quality toys and games for children. You CAN get cheap stuff (even find cheap stuff at deep discounts) but honestly, I don’t think they’re worth much. Quality toys may cost more, but they will last longer and even to the grandchildren. I recently sent my most recent granddaughter a toy that her father (my eldest) had played with (he is now 31) and it has been through my own 7 children first, before she got it, but is still in pretty nice shape for her to wear…so buy quality. You’ll pay for it, but you’ll also pay MUCH less if you can find good/great deals.

So WHERE and HOW to find quality toys? Some better department stores carry them. Large shopping malls often have quality toy stores. ALWAYS keep your eyes open. When you’re in a quality store, learn where they keep their clearance items (ends of the aisles usually and often tucked away in a corner). Ask the clerks where your discount area is and walk briskly when you go shopping. long at all.

Online, look for a few sites that have the kinds of toys you like. Check their clearance areas (often labeled clearance or discount, sometimes called outlet or bargain). When you do find a quality deal, it may be wise to buy it now, even if the kid looking for it isn’t old enough to use it yet. Just keep it in your gift box for later. And as you shop, keep in mind GIFT items for OTHERS: birthday parties your child may attend in the future, that sort of thing. Just yesterday (and I had NOT planned to spend any money!) I bought a bunch of things to give to my youngest son and some of my grandkids. It was a bunch of Crayola stuff, 90% off. Twistable Sketch and Draw Power Packs and Glow Stations – They only had 3 of each left, I bought them all, as well as a bunch of triangle markers and toddler paints at 90% off, liquid crayons, etc. When you’re only paying $1-3 for such things, they make great little surprise gifts or stocking stuffers. Can you tell that I get excited about great deals?

More tips for buying quality toys… The old ones are sure bets. Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Legos. I also find that simpler items are better. Simple Lego bricks are a better buy than the XYZ Lego Super Spaceship kit. With the simple bricks, they can design their OWN spaceship and develop their imagination. The block that sticks out can be the ray gun, the 3 connected at the top are the observation bridge, etc. The types of sets/parts that do NOT come with instructions, just jump in and DO IT!