What a great question, and yes, I think you can. I didn’t do it that way, but I’ve experimented with fasting a bit and have had some interesting results. First, let me say that I cured fibromyalgia with a combination of stretching, supplementation, guaifenesin therapy, bodywork, and emotional processing (trying to change the way I react to things to stop releasing so many stressful chemicals in my body).

It took me almost 6 years to consider myself cured, because I no longer have pain and I sleep very well and my energy levels are normal or above normal. Because of everything I did to stay healthy, I became very interested in my health and read about fasting.

I tried a 24-hour fast once a week, and once I even fasted for 48 hours. I have had some very interesting results that lead me to believe that fasting promotes health, when done correctly (under a doctor’s supervision).

In my 48-hour fast, at the end of it, I began to feel some strange sensations in my body, sensations that I compare to bodywork. I felt like my body was removing stress chemicals and metabolic waste from my larger muscle groups. I know how this feels in my body because of my 6 year track record of reversing fibromyalgia.

The difficulty with fibromyalgia and fasting is that anyone with fibromyalgia is going to have pain and trouble sleeping anyway, and fasting will probably create more of it at first. It could be unbearable.

And I’ve found that unless I’m out of my normal routine, fasting is pretty hard. There is food everywhere. I still have to prepare food for my son. I smell, I see and I buy food. To be successful on a long-term fast, I think you would need to go on a retreat.