Someone I know has had yeast problems for about 15 years. Occasionally during that period, he would have soggy night sweats, which he believes are better since he took the candida removal program. His other symptoms included gastrointestinal problems, acid reflux, eventually itchy skin, those pesky pimple-like sores on the scalp, brain fog or lack of energy, and depression issues. Turns out he has mercury toxicity.

Your wife has just developed itchy skin and night sweats for the last year or so. They have both been on yeast diets and that has helped. He is curious how many others have experienced night sweats. He feels that he picked up a super strain of yeast during his college days long ago, he has never been able to get rid of it and has now passed it on to her wife due to her constant battles with the yeast. Night sweats are pretty unnerving. When it first happened to them, he tested himself for AIDS and that’s not a problem. He can’t seem to fix the sweats on anything but yeast.

Night sweats are one of the things that have been reduced with this candida elimination program, at least for me. But occasionally I will still get them. I actually got them 2 nights ago. I don’t know if these are signs that I’ve gotten too lazy with my program, or if they’re a sign of detoxification.

I am trying to remember my state of health years ago. I was only about 36 years old and had flushed cheeks and sweats for about 2 hours every day around 5-6pm. I blamed sugar for it, but at the time I wasn’t that familiar with candida. Several people suggested that he might be affected, but each of them had spent a fortune on alternative medicine treatments and weren’t any better for it. But, there seems to be better information today, although there is still a lot of disagreement about what is best.