The Heath brothers, business experts, published their new book, titled “Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard” (Broadway, 2010), in February. The authors address changes at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. The change involves the emotional and rational side of the brain. The Heath brothers identify the overwhelming emotional element as the Elephant. The rational decision-making component is secondary and sits on top of the Elephant like the Rider. When there is a conflict between the two, the Horseman is inherently the underdog. To bring about lasting change, the Elephant and the Rider must unite. It is also key to have a clear direction. Below is an example of each of the nine principles contained in the triad for achieving long-term change. It should be noted that the change framework benefits anyone without a great deal of authority or resources.

DIRECTING THE RIDER – Analytical and rational thinking.

Find the bright spots. In 1990, an international organization that helps children in need accepted an invitation from the Vietnamese government to reduce malnutrition. They gained six months to make a difference. The short schedule denied the end of poverty, the purification of water and the construction of sanitation systems to address hunger. The organizers traveled to a rural town and met with the mothers. Despite widespread malnutrition, some children were thriving. Because? The team searched bright spots-Successful efforts worth emulating. They found that the bright mothers fed their children four times a day (easier on the children’s digestive systems), compared to the mothers. both standard. Another finding among several was that bright moms added shrimp and crab from rice paddies to their children’s meals. The cooking classes originated with brilliant mothers teaching other mothers how to prepare healthy meals for their children. The mothers already had the emotional component (Elephant) – natural concern for their children. They needed direction (Rider) not motivation. Six months later, 65 percent of the village’s children were better nourished and still were.

Write the critical moves. The doctors studied the case of a patient with chronic arthritic hip pain. His options were to perform drastic hip replacement surgery or administer a single unproven drug. They chose the drug 47 percent vs. doing hip surgery. Another group of doctors studied a similar case with two unproven drugs presented as an option. Here, only 28 percent of the doctors chose one of the prescriptions. The remainder selected hip surgery. The results of the study are shown decision paralysis. Too many options test the strength of the Rider; and he will always go back to the status quo. Change creates uncertainty and ambiguity. Any successful change requires the translation of ambiguous objectives into concrete behaviors. Write down the critical moves (not all the moves, but the key moves). In the earlier studies, the critical guideline to “Use invasive options only as a last resort” would have resulted in more physicians choosing the drug option. Clarity dissolves the Horseman’s resistance.

Point to the Destination. In the mid-1980s, the research department of a popular investment firm ranked an embarrassing fifteenth in its ability to generate income for banks. The top executives recruited a new leader who became a general manager and coach. He announced that he expected analysts to initiate at least 125 client conversations a month. He promoted a team environment; Require analysts to cite the work of their colleagues at least twice during presentations. He also stated that the company would crack the Top 5 of the leading investment magazine. He didn’t just script critical moves (make 125 calls, cite colleagues’ work); he also created a destination postcard- a vivid picture of the near-term future that shows what might be possible. In three short years, the firm jumped from fifteenth to first place. When he describes a compelling destination, he lessens the Rider’s ability to lose himself in analysis paralysis.

MOTIVATE THE ELEPHANT-Emotional, Instinctive.

find the feeling. In the late 1970s, a state’s Department of Youth Services (DYS), an agency that targets delinquent children; He reviewed his operations. Nonprofit organizations, including group homes and halfway houses, replaced juvenile prisons. DYS’s chief accountant led his division with an iron fist, earning himself the title of Attila the Accountant. Expense reports submitted with a single error, such as a missed date or a miscalculated subtotal, were returned to the offending nonprofit for correction. The organizations operated on a shoestring budget, and payment delays jeopardized their ability to care for children. Frustrated, Attila’s colleagues invited him on a field trip to visit some of the participating nonprofit organizations. He witnessed firsthand the operational and financial challenges of it; and he returned to the office a changed man. He was still authoritative but less fussy about expense reporting, allowing nonprofits to get paid faster.

reduce change. A local car wash ran a promotion using loyalty cards. One group of customers received an 8-stamp card, which earned them a free car wash once they filled up. Another set of customers received a 10-stamp card, with 2 stamps already completed, moving them 20 percent toward their goal. Several months later, only 19 percent of 8-label customers had earned a free car wash, down from 10 percent. 34 percent of the initial lead group, who also got their fastest free car wash. The authors claim that people find it more motivating to be partially done with a long-term goal than to be at the starting gate of a shorter one. How could you bring together your family, co-workers, community, etc. to achieve a long-term goal by highlighting what has already been accomplished for completion? To motivate an uninspired Elephant, slow down.

grow your people. In 1977, the Saint Lucia parrot faced extinction. The natives of the island underestimated the bird, some even eating it as a delicacy. There was no clear economic case for saving the parrot. Conservationists knew that an analytical case to protect the bird would fail. Instead, they implemented an emotional appeal. His objective was to convince the inhabitants of Saint Lucia that they were the type of people who protect their own. They wanted St. Lucians to take pride in their unique island species. The St. Lucia Parrot Campaign included T-shirts, bumper stickers and locally recorded songs about the parrot. The animal became part of the national identity of the natives. In 2008, conservationists noted that no Saint Lucia had been caught shooting the parrot in fifteen years, bringing the species back from extinction.

SHAPE THE WAY: Provides clear direction.

Adjust the environment. The airline industry is governed by the “sterile cabin” rule. Anytime a plane is below 10,000 feet, either climbing or descending (the most accident-prone times), no non-flight-related conversation is allowed. At 11,000 feet, the crew can talk freely. An IT group adopted the clean-room principle to advance a major software development project. Their goal was to reduce new product development time from three years to nine months. They established “quiet hours” Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings before noon. It gave coders a sterile booth, allowing them to focus on complex code snippets without being interrupted. Ultimately, the group achieved its nine-month development goal. What seems like a people problem is often a situational challenge. People have a systematic tendency to ignore the situational forces that shape other people’s behavior. Simple route adjustments can produce dramatic behavior changes.

Build habits. One of the subtle ways our environment influences us is by reinforcing (or discouraging) our habits. Habits are important because they are a behavioral autopilot. They allow good deeds to happen “for free” without testing the Rider’s self-control, which is exhausting. To change yourself or others, you need to change your clothes. Forming a habit involves environmental and mental influences. “Action triggers” are effective in motivating action. They precharge a decision and are most useful in difficult situations when the Rider’s self-control is strained. Action triggers create “instant clothing.”

gather the herd. A hotel manager tested a new sign in the hotel restrooms. He was simply saying that “most hotel guests reuse their towels at least once during their stay.” Guests who received the sign were 26 percent more likely to reuse their towels. They took cues from the herd. In ambiguous situations, we all look to others for clues about how to behave. Change situations often involve ambiguity along with their inherent unfamiliarity. To turn things around, you have to pay attention to social cues. They can guarantee a change effort or condemn it. Take an elephant down an unknown path and it’s likely to follow the herd.

The authors acknowledge that change is not always easy. When change works, it tends to follow a pattern. People will change with clear direction, ample motivation, and a supportive environment. The rider, the elephant and the path must align to support the change. Visit the authors at