If you are a man and have been dumped, you may have experienced singleness for a long period of time. I myself have been married and divorced, and I can remember long periods when I was single. Why did all my former friends have another boyfriend in a couple of weeks? Why couldn’t I, or indeed many of my friends, find another girlfriend so quickly? Yes, I must be a freak 🙂 Or is there another more satisfactory explanation, or even more truthful?

Dating Sites In The UK

For starters, it is a fact that the ratios of men to women in the UK are compared to those of men. To my knowledge there are roughly one and a half million more men than women in the UK. You don’t need the brains of an Archbishop to figure out that that could cause dating problems.

C4 recently did a show about gigolos. They interviewed many women to ask if they would use the services of a gigolo if the need or desire arose. The common result was that it would not be necessary. All a woman has to do to find a potential mate is “go to a bar.” If only it were that easy for one man. Go to any bar or club in the UK, and the stats are roughly 80/20 singles, which being 80% of men single, compared to 20% of women single at best . UK dating sites have a similar weighting. That is why a woman might write on her profile: “If you are not 6 feet tall, dark and handsome, with a car, a house and a premium job, with the ability to make me laugh,” do not present the request. Of course, this is a stereotype against women, but when the odds are against you, it’s hard not to. Most of the time, if a man leaves a relationship or marriage, he is always single for longer than the woman, on average.

Aside from dating sites or meeting people socially, at work, for example, some people have tried to expand their social circle by using networking sites. I recently joined a site called Ecademy and the ratio of men to women was about 90/10. Of course, networking is for business, but it just highlights the proportions when it comes to meeting the opposite sex.

So my conclusion about UK dating is that it is at least five times more difficult for a man to find a suitable partner than it is for a woman, which also takes into account the law of attraction. Spending money on sites that weigh heavily against you doesn’t seem like money well spent. I wasted a lot of money myself, so I looked further.

Therefore, scam companies aside, the main problem with UK dating is that the ratios are against men. I guess the answer to being successful in dating in the UK, if you haven’t already received the “gift of the word, the looks, the job, etc.” is studying dating advice websites etc. Ultimately, we just want to be ourselves, although there is nothing wrong with learning to improve opportunities, but what good is that, if the probability of putting those skills into practice is remote?

International Dating Sites

Now this is another story. At worst, the odds are equal. I’d say with proper guidance, the odds are in the man’s favor, if they know where to go. However, it is not as simple as knowing where to go, because the problem with international dating is that there are too many scam companies. I have already written articles on International Dating Safety Tips, so I will not elaborate on how to avoid scams at this point. I’m just pointing out that dating issues are different, dependent on location, and if you go where the odds are in your favor, you can be as selective as UK women can be when choosing a partner. You won’t need any “medical dating advice” if you’re meeting 10-20 women, just wait for the chemistry to kick in.


You can only learn that what I say is true by trying, if you don’t want to stay single. I had to learn the hard way. Try UK dating sites. Try international dating sites. Whatever you do, be sure to use your common sense, but please consider the “Safety Tips for International Dating” I provide on the Ezine website, following these steps will save you time and a great deal of pain and the result. . It could be quite exciting, not to mention enlightening.