Today, most professionals are expected to sit or stand in one position for long periods of time, which can lead to tired, achy and swollen legs, or more serious problems such as edema or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). . Usually, people think that compression support stockings remedy painful conditions, but professionals are starting to use compression socks to relieve general leg pain and fatigue, and for preventative leg health.

What are compression socks?

Compression support stockings are specially designed stockings or socks made with extra strong elastic fibers. The fibers cause blood to pump by squeezing around the ankle, which causes the muscles and veins to return oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. Compression support stockings apply graduated compression, which means that the compression is fully applied at the ankle and decreases further up the leg.

Anyone who has to sit or stand for long hours will benefit from wearing compression socks, especially:

1. Cooks and Chefs

The work of a chef is exhausting; they spend their days in a bustling kitchen, mostly standing or walking on hard surfaces. After a full day at work, the most comfortable shoes can’t help with the aches and fatigue that develops. Over time, the veins become weak and have difficulty returning blood to the heart and lungs. Consequently, blood can pool in the lower leg, increasing fatigue and swelling. When chefs wear compression socks, they help improve blood flow, relieve pressure on irritated veins, prevent further vein damage, and relieve pain.

2. Food servers

Just like chefs, servers are always on the go, carrying heavy trays. Tired and achy legs can be a big problem, but compression support stockings can provide relief. Full-length compression support stockings apply graduated pressure from ankle to thigh to maintain blood circulation, relieving pain and fatigue from a long shift. Knee-high compression socks are also popular because they prevent ankle swelling, go with any uniform, and are more convenient.

3. Health professionals

Nurses and other healthcare workers also spend long hours on their feet and often experience leg swelling, fatigue, or varicose veins. Compression socks can increase circulation and alleviate these problems. In a recent study, 31 nurses were given knee-high compression socks and instructed to keep track of any leg swelling or other symptoms they experienced during their shift. About 84% of the nurses reported an improvement in their symptoms after wearing compression stockings, and 74% noted a decrease in swelling.

4. Airline attendants

Confined movement on a plane also decreases circulation to the legs, increasing the risk of DVT, or blood clots that can cause a pulmonary embolism. Compression support stockings can help both travelers and flight attendants who spend long hours in the air by reducing leg fatigue, pain, and swelling. Sometimes flight attendants may get your insurance to pay for your compression support stockings.

5. Computer programmers

Long periods of sitting are just as bad for the legs as standing, particularly increasing the risk of DVT. After sitting all day, many programmers and other computer users find that their legacies are just as sore as if they had been standing up. By wearing compression stockings at work, programmers will improve your circulation so that when you finally get up and walk around, your legs feel energized and ready to go.