Typically, a cat poops once or twice a day. If the cat is not able to pass it, then he is suffering from a constipation problem. It is a very common problem in cats, especially older ones. This article is actually a guide for owners to learn about the causes of constipation and their solutions.

What are the causes of constipation?

Cat constipation can occur due to many reasons and dehydration is the main one. It could be difficult to pass stool due to lack of water in the body. Another reason for constipation is the cats diet. Eating bones, fatty or salty foods are the main sources to cause this problem. In addition to this, anal infections and irregular exercise can also cause constipation problems.

Symptoms of constipation:

An important symptom of constipation in cats includes an upset stomach and cats will tend to eat less than they are used to. Most of the time, your cat will not participate in any of the activities or you will find him sitting idle more than usual and showing no interest in other activities.


Constipation can be diagnosed after urine or blood tests. Sometimes an x-ray can also be used to diagnose it.

Treatment and Prevention of Constipation:

There are many ways to eliminate the problem of constipation. The vet may suggest that you give your cat laxatives or enemas or may physically remove the hardened stool with the colon. Intravenous fluids may also be injected into your pet’s body. The veterinarian will select the most appropriate treatment according to the condition of your pet.

You can prevent your cat from constipation problems by proper and regular brushing so that it can develop the habit of not swallowing the hairs, since the ingestion of dead hairs is the main cause of obstruction of the colon. As a cat owner, don’t forget to make sure your pet’s litter box is clean and stain-free, as cats are used to keeping their things tidy. So your kitty may not use it and thus cause serious cat constipation issues.