Hello and welcome to the beginning of what will be a long, happy, prosperous and dynamic healthy relationship. I figure since my blog is called Cultivating Healthy Relationships, I should start by nurturing, developing, creating, and growing a healthy relationship between you, the reader of this site, and me, the writer.

Let me start by introducing myself and telling you a little about myself. I’m Dr. Pamela M. Zimmer. The Dr part means I have a Ph.D. and am here to bring healing to all who need it.

I founded the Women’s Human Relations Center in New York in 1989. At my Center, I serve women as a Psychospiritual Therapist. Basically, that means that I help women integrate spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically within themselves.

My desire to help empower women by guiding and counseling them through their process stems from my belief that if women truly took responsibility for their lives and made wise decisions accordingly, they could literally achieve transformation, not just within of themselves, but also in their relationships, and finally in the world!

Of course, along the way to achieving your full empowerment as a woman, you will come to know your true and authentic self, your soul self, if you will. You will develop your self-esteem and your belief in yourself will skyrocket. You will come to know who you really are and you will naturally desire everything that you magnetically attract into your life, including your relationships with men. In other words, you will now draw to you everything that is aligned with your True Self and reflect it.

This all sounds great, but is it really possible? I say a resounding “YES!” But it’s up to you to want it, claim it and believe it. After all, we are talking about your life, your world, your happiness and the love you really want.

It is a process (oh no!) and it takes work on yourself, but at this point all you have to do is set your intention for this to unfold in you so that you can create a life of love. and happiness, cultivating healthy relationships wherever you go.

Your dynamics with others, including your partner, or your potential partner, will begin to change as you apply this intention to your life and embrace these new principles that I will introduce here.

Oh, and one more thing, to make it even more special and personal for each and every one of you. I invite you to post your thoughts and feelings, or any questions you may have, on my blog, Building Healthy Relationships. I will then endeavor to address your concerns by designing my blog content in such a way that it actually provides the answers you are looking for. Your question may be personal, but I will answer in a way that will apply to many of you in the reading audience. Fun!

So fasten your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life!

In Loving Light,
dr pamela