My friend has been sick for 10 days with horrible diarrhea and her doctor found yeast in a stool culture. She came across a woman who had her symptoms for three weeks before learning that she had yeast in her stomach. She is called H. Pylori. She is waiting for her doctors to determine if this is her problem. She wants to know if she can cure this herself with a candida cleanse, since she would rather cure herself with an elimination diet and probiotics, rather than prescription drugs.

H. Pylori are bacteria, not fungi. In fact, IIRC, is the bacteria involved in ulcers. It can give you diarrhea when it hits you. It’s different for everyone, and you’ll probably need antibiotics to get rid of it. Take plenty of probiotics while taking antibiotics. Garlic will fight both bacteria and viruses. Fresh is best, but if you don’t really feel like eating at the moment, pastilles will do the trick!

Well, I had H-Pylori a while ago and didn’t use antibiotics. My yeast doctor uses alternatives and assured me that the medications I was taking at the time would take care of the “black bugs” (and they did). I get most of my herbs from him, so you might not understand when I tell you. Are here:
– AG Cidal
– Super Oxy
– herbal clear

When I was scheduled for the test, I was given a liquid to drink the night before. I didn’t drink because of the sugar and alcohol content, so they let me drink castor oil instead. It absolutely did the job. You can try a good health store and see if they have a tincture ready for this.

Also, I don’t know if this cures your H. Pylori, but for me drinking a lot of apple tea works. You have to buy the green apple, cut it inside and add water to it. Do this every day and drink it. Another thing you can try is the Espinheira Santa tea. I don’t know what this is called in your country, but it really helps. You can also follow the candida diet, not eating or drinking acidic things and not overeating. Try to eat every 3-4 hours.