Training your dog will ensure that you and your dog coexist in harmony. It will make your life and that of your dog much easier, and you will be much happier companions. Puppy training is an essential part of raising your dog. Dog training is:

* for each dog or puppy

* save houses

* encourages love

* and even saves lives.

* must be adapted to the character and disposition of each dog

Although obedience training will not solve all behavior problems, it does provide the foundation for solving almost any problem you may encounter with your dog. It is important for both you and your dog, as it helps establish a strong bond between you and your pet. Choose an obedience class carefully. It should not be monotonous or boring for you or your pet. Obedience training, schools, and even training advice are readily available online, and the Internet is one of the best places to start finding a good dog training program. There are also good books and videos to get you started.

Basic pet obedience training generally consists of 6 basic behaviors:

1.Sit down



4. Remember (“come”, “here” or “in”)

5. Walking close (or on a loose leash)

6. Heel

Teaching obedience in dogs helps prevent the development of bad habits. Training your puppy is something you should start planning for as soon as possible. It should be a fun, nurturing and bonding experience for both of you. If not, find a new program quickly. Training your dog to walk alongside you on a leash is easy to do when you learn the proper techniques. However, training your dog to stop undesirable behaviors can often be a real challenge. Training your pet is the basic and fundamental step to communicate and teach your dog obedience and good behavior. And it will bring real and substantial rewards as he builds a better relationship with his pet, as well as teaches acceptable behaviors.

The fact is, dog and puppy training is simple if you use the right tips and techniques, as dogs are naturally eager to please. It’s important to remember that dog training is not like programming a robot that, once programmed, will follow all your future commands without fail.