You don’t have your next mortgage payment, your car payment, your credit card payment, and maybe not even a job. So what can you do? You need to take matters into your own hands by creating a way to become self-employed and able to work at home. Why? Number one, if you can’t find a job, or have had your hours cut, or are about to be laid off or laid off, all that’s left is to take action now.

Before the economic asteroid hit our country and the world in general, you probably already dreamed of owning your own business or claiming the great wealth that the Internet has offered to so many. The business playing field has been leveled because now anyone can be successful online if they put in the effort and diligently pursue their dreams. The “WORK, just broke” mentality is ever present in our psyche, but much more drastically these days. However, due to this leveling, many more people are trying to do the exact same thing that you are doing. It can be a good thing or a liability depending on your perspective.

Making a living online is no small or easy task, just like trying to do it with a physical business on Main Street is very difficult. But it can be done. While I don’t have a magic wand to offer, I can offer you hope and opportunity. That’s all anyone can ask for. If you can find your way to a stable online business without spending anything to do so, then you really are on your way. At least it is a possibility. Warranty days are out the window. You just never know anything else. While the task can be daunting, it doesn’t have to be. It’s always a possibility, and you always have a chance. As my good friend always likes to say, “You never know.” Simplistic, clichéd, and maybe even a little cheesy, but I’ve found that to be the truth many times.

Return to basic. Become a search devotee. Look for business ideas in fields that interest you. You’re probably overloaded with information and people trying to sell you the next best thing since sliced ​​bread. So be careful.

Buyer beware. While the Internet has opened up an endless Pandora’s box of ideas, rat holes, and just plain nonsense, it is the new frontier for products and business models. There is a lot out there for you. But remember: even the best business, product, or idea requires advertising so that anyone knows it exists. That is the stumbling block. While you can still do things cheaply, it’s easy to get lost in the quagmire of advertising possibilities. I have been burned countless times due to my lack of understanding about advertising. While word of mouth will always be the best form of advertising, it is fraught with obstacles because many of us have seen so many offers, get-rich-quick scams, and spam that spin our heads.

But, word of mouth advertising costs nothing. So, it’s about getting out of your comfort zone, believing in what you’re doing and passing it on to others. If you are passionate, sincere and communicative, you can do it. Rejection is always a problem because it is difficult to accept, especially repeatedly. But, if you take a “What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger” approach, you can pretty much do anything you set your mind to. Don’t set unrealistic expectations or be too hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s all anyone can ask of you. Keep your nose to the whetstone. It’s a win-win situation until you decide it’s not.

Okay, I’m going to spill the beans. I decided not to try to reinvent the wheel. I have entered the market for buying and selling classifieds. You can sell as many items that you already have and will most likely never use. It’s not that it’s garbage. It’s more like most of us have tons of stuff that we’ll never use if we haven’t already. So what if you could also find a way to let your friends know what you’re doing and profit from their use? The buying and selling industry is used by everyone on some level, whether it’s eBay, Craigslist,, Amazon, Target, Wal Mart, The Salvation Army, thrift stores, rummage sales, consignment stores, garage sales, flea shops. markets, swap meets, farmers markets, Avon, Amway, Best Buy, Sears, Dell, Productpia, Bizrate, CarsDirect, NetFlix,, iTunes, Walgreens, QVC, Land’s End,,, Apartments. com, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Google and any other live search engine…

However, and this is a big “HOWEVER”, which of these companies returns most of their profits to their customers? I’ve probably said too much already. So, I’ll leave it like that.

Having your own free online website to take advantage of this frenzy of commerce and e-commerce would be as ideal as it sounds. So what if the company you transact with was built on a foundation of trust, generosity, and goodwill? Would not it be nice? And what if it was so new that you could get involved from the beginning of its existence knowing that one day you would become a giant player in your field? You would have to be patient (the hardest thing I struggle with is patience). He would have to realize that while the business was new and had only a few hundred users, and not much action at this early stage of its development, it could eventually explode from his local neighborhood to the global frontier. So, you really would have something, wouldn’t you? Well, there is.

So while you’re looking for a better job, or even any job, you may be looking for your own business in the background. At least he could be guaranteed hope and the possibility of success. You could be making money the NEW traditional way.