Parental intervention and the application of moral principles can do much to mitigate these potential effects. Then you can consider some of the possible effects that a rude child may face. Research clearly shows that a child who lacks adequate parental instruction runs the risk of being recalcitrant. A reliable study that reveals that of ninety-four thousand cases of child criminal behavior, approximately eighty percent comes from children in a home with poor parental guidance.

Relatively, the increasing risk of child sexual abuse in our society today results primarily from ineffective parental training and supervision. Generally, this psychological development drifts throughout life with no set goals, very low sense of direction and low self-esteem, as well as a criminal attitude among many children with minimal parental care.

Every Christian home should raise a child in a manner acceptable to God so that when the child grows up, it will not be separated from him. This is a responsibility that many birth parents scoff at. So it means that such an irresponsible parental child can grow up over his jacket and subsequently become a nuisance not only to the immediate community but to the entire society.

In fact, a child without proper and sustained parental instruction or counseling is worthless and can slowly or quickly turn into marijuana addiction, vandalism, and armed robbery, as well as other social vices. It is no wonder why child delinquency in many developing societies is always attributed to ineffective parenting.

Sometimes these parental responsibilities are abandoned for one reason or another. Cases abound where some children are seen and viewed as very fragile and therefore need to be handled with care, which unfortunately leads to excessive pampering. Parents’ attempt to instill discipline in these children receives negative reactions from mothers, especially when they remember and consider the labor they went through during delivery.

Frankly speaking, this poor quality home education given to a child does not usually bode well for their development. This, in turn, helps promote moral decay, which is a cog in the mechanical wheel of any society’s development.

Another factor causing poor parental care in many homes is the problem of domestic workers. Apparently parental care and moral instruction now focus on the maids to the detriment of the biological child. There is an absolute denial of the basic parental training of the child from birth. To get rid of this psychological impact of raising a poor child in society, every biological parent must adequately prepare their children to become useful citizens without sparing any effort and spoiling the child.