How do you deal with difficult times, especially these times? They are like no other time we have known in modern times. However, they are the moments of our lives, and whether we like these moments or not, we are caught up in them, and learning to manage our lives within them is challenging. Below are the “Three R’s” for staying strong in tough times.


When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your main goal was to drain the swamp. However, your job is to drain the swamp. If you are going to manage to drain the swamp or make it through difficult times, you must have determination.

Resolving simply means being determined, slowly determined. You make up your mind to succeed, plant the image, and move on. The harder it gets, the tougher you have to get, and when it gets tough, remember the words of one of the toughest men in history, Winston Churchill, who said: When you’re going through hell, keep going. In other words, don’t stop here! Don’t stop in the middle of hard times! Hard ’em out. Churchill also said, You just have to endure to conquer. Your advice is great advice. Go ahead and hold on. That is solve.


Sometimes in hard times, hard times get to us. That is normal. So what? Keep going. Do you remember the Churchill quotes? Being resilient means being able to bounce back despite having set back. There is no shame in falling, but there is shame in not getting up again. So get up. If necessary, cry a little. Cry much. Whine, complain, get angry, yell, yell if necessary, but get up! Be resilient. Bounce back, don’t fall back.


Being resourceful means dealing with difficulties and finding solutions to those difficulties. No one ever said that life would be easy. God never made such promises. Life is full of difficult times, difficult problems. There’s no way to avoid it. So how do you deal with life? Your deal. That’s all. You don’t hide or run from your problems, literally or figuratively. And you don’t jump in and drain your problems into a bottle or pill. You will only find more problems there. Lots of problems. You just negotiate. That’s what you do. What’s left to do? Abandon. Sorry, not an option. Giving up is anathema to the human spirit. Find a way to deal with your difficulties and find solutions for them. Can. Because we live in a dual dimension, every problem naturally has its own built-in solution. Hard times have their problems, but their solutions are within them. That is one of the beautiful secrets of life. Go within yourself and find those solutions. The answer is there, inside. Sometimes you have to call very loud and long and loud to get an answer and find the answer, but it’s there. Listen, quietly. Follow your gut, honor your intuition, and try.


There is no doubt that these are difficult times, but there will always be difficult times. This is life. Get used to it. A successful life is not a life without problems. A successful life is a life in which we learn to overcome problems. And how do we do that? There may be many ways to endure in difficult times, but certainly being determined, resilient, and creatively resourceful is one of them.

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Copyright Richard Andrew King

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