Close your eyes; take a deep breath and exhale forcefully. Do you think I’m teaching you yoga? No, I’m just asking you to get rid of all that stress and relax.

I know what it feels like to take exams, butterflies in your stomach, feeling weak, trembling limbs, loss of appetite, insomnia and all that.

Join my brigade. I used to feel the same way, all anxious and stressed. Over time I learned to de-stress.

There are tips one can use to help oneself de-stress. You will have to identify what suits you best.

Set a pace: work at a speed that will carry you through the task but not swallow you. You have to work on it from the beginning of the session and increase your abilities gradually.

Take regular breaks: each individual has a period of concentration. Identify it and then take short breaks accordingly. This will allow your mind and body to relax.

Enjoy the free time you have: during each break, you should distract yourself from the task. Dedicate yourself to what you like the most. Be creative, listen to music, go for a walk, talk to friends or be with family.

Get some exercise – Take some time to do some light exercise or yoga. Move outdoors. This will rejuvenate you. Fresh air works wonders. This is very useful especially if your study hours are long and tedious.

Take good care of yourself: sleep well and eat well. Neglecting yourself during exams is not good. Taking care of yourself boosts your confidence and keeps unwarranted anxiety at bay.
Stay Focused – Remembering your goal will keep you focused. It often happens that when you start working on a theme, too many themes appear. They might be important in another way, but not pertaining to current situations. Getting into all these new sights, but they certainly add to the pressure.

Don’t set your expectations too high: the moment you do, the stress will be gone. When you tell yourself that it’s okay even if you’re not first in class, you’ll feel relaxed. Now, you can start working to achieve the best that can be done.

Be Positive – Don’t let negative thoughts get you down. Keep working on your schedule and pat yourself on the back for every little accomplishment during preparation.

Share what you feel: parents, classmates, teachers, they can be good supports and guides. They will understand what you are going through. Talk to them, you’ll feel better.

Do all this; don’t let the pressure cap snap shut. You are at any time more valuable to your family than your exams.