The absolute first do for good Golden Retriever health is to choose a reputable breeder. Choosing a reputable breeder is important because many of the diseases that affect Goldens are the result of improper and careless breeding. A reputable breeder will thoroughly examine each of her puppies for health issues and will fully disclose what they find.

While a health issue or genetic disorder may not be life-threatening, it is important to have information when making a decision about the Golden you are choosing to join your family. Hip dysphasia is an example of a genetic problem. However, with proper care, dogs with dysphasia usually live long and happy lives.

The most important fact of all to have a good Golden Retriever health program is to understand the importance of good nutrition. Having a nutrition plan that provides a consistent and adequate diet is a primary factor in the health of all dogs. When you’re deciding the type of diet for your Golden, you may want to take a look at the pros and cons of commercial grain-based foods. There is a school of thought that believes that a grain-based diet is simply not natural. Why you might ask? The answer is because all dogs are predisposed to eat meat.

The basic problem with almost all commercially manufactured dry grain dog foods is that they are usually loaded with carbohydrates. This can have a huge negative impact on your dog’s long-term health. An example of what can happen is the development of diabetes in your adult dog. There have been a number of commercial dog food recalls recently that have raised a great deal of concern among dog owners. Most of the bad food ingredients came from China. However, the final product was made and distributed by American companies.

Most experts agree that a good, high-protein diet will give your Golden a longer, healthier life. Many dog ​​owners are switching to a raw food diet. A raw food diet can be prepared at home or frozen. Single-serving rolls made up of raw meats and bones are available at many good dog food stores. This diet will cost a bit more, but many dog ​​owners feel the extra cost is justified. For more information on a raw food diet, go to the Internet. There are good websites that explain the benefits and what constitutes a good raw food diet.

A diet that includes Omega-3 fish oil and other dietary supplements such as MSM glucosamine tablets can help reduce your dog’s risks of arthritis and other joint diseases. Evidence indicates that giving your dog Omega-3 fish oil may prevent eye diseases that are somewhat common in this breed. Again, the Internet is a great resource to help you determine if you want this type of diet.

Another fact to know is that regular visits to your vet are important to your Golden’s continued health. Your vet should regularly check for early signs of cancer and other debilitating diseases that, if caught early, can prolong your dog’s life. Cancer is the most common cause of death in the breed. Vets will check for early detection of skin lesions or small lumps. If caught early, this disease can be successfully treated.

Here are some of the top Golden Retriever health facts you need to know and understand. Once you’ve selected a puppy, nothing is more important than plenty of exercise, a healthy diet, and regular visits to the vet. Follow these facts and you will have your Golden with you for many happy years.