Fear can paralyze us and prevent us from making good decisions. The unknown scares us and gets in the way of our success. As a career counselor, I have seen many people fearful of taking the risk of changing careers and staying in unfulfilling jobs as a result of their fears.

Risks are something we take every day, sometimes without realizing it. When you get in your car, do you determine the risk of getting involved in an accident? When you go for a walk in winter, are you worried about falling on the ice? If we allow fear to rule our lives, we will never enjoy a drive in the summer or be strengthened by a walk on a cool day. Most of us find that we have the confidence to do things because the risk is limited. How can we have the same confidence when we decide to change careers?

1. Gather information: The more you know about something, the easier it will be to determine how risky the business is. Fortunately, we live in the Information Age, where we can access data quickly. Conduct research online, at your local library, at government-sponsored institutions, and by talking to experts.

Always keep in mind that there will be negative as well as positive feedback and you should analyze the information carefully. Where does the data come from? Is the source reliable? What is the person’s experience? It amazes me when I hear people dismiss great opportunities just because a friend told him not to get involved, when that friend had no real knowledge of the subject at hand!

Weigh opinions carefully and make a decision only after you have gathered enough information to make a sound judgement.

2. Financial risk: Consider how much you are willing to invest. I have seen many people keep throwing good money after bad, when they need to have a set limit on how much they can invest in a project. Other people refuse to invest a penny, thinking that they can get something for nothing. Chances are if you buy a diamond ring for ten cents, you’ll get a piece of glass that’s worth 10 cents! Sound business management almost always involves an investment of time, energy, and money. Don’t believe promises of quick schematics without researching the product and determining if you can afford it!

3. Does it suit your interests? In the book “What color is your parachute?” by Richard Nelson Bolles, I read about a career study. One group entered a career based on the idea that they would get rich from it, while the other study group pursued their passion. Years later it was determined that those who had done what they loved had almost 100% success in that field, while only 10% of those who sought wealth had achieved it. The moral of the story is to do what interests you and what you enjoy and you are more likely to reap the rewards. I chose my home business selling travel memberships because I love to travel and the people I talk to usually respond to my enthusiasm. Your success should be measured in both happiness and wealth.

4. Determine how the decision will affect your life: How will the decision affect your time, energy, finances, and family time? Make a list of all the benefits, as well as the drawbacks. Is this a long-term or short-term commitment? What kinds of things will you need to consider before the idea will work for you?

5. Finally, plan: Set goals, save ahead of time if you need to, and plan how to reach your goals.

Fear can be overcome when a person seeks to keep risks to a minimum. Don’t miss out on changing her life just because she’s new or challenging. Weigh the risks and become one of the successful people looking to find something more than ordinary for their life.