Are you a true “newbie” in the world of free online dating? Do you find foreign online dating? Do not load, dear readers. Here are some online dating tips to help you enjoy the experience.

Your username

Let’s start from the beginning. It’s great to choose a username that makes you stand out. However, remember that there is a big difference between being very smart and being so obscure that your username misses out on potential partners.

If someone is already using your first choice as a name, let it go. Obviously, he wasn’t that smart after all. Avoid using provocative pseudonyms. Not everyone has a sense of humor when it comes to online dating, especially if you’re hoping to find a long-term relationship.

Your profile

A carefully crafted profile is essential to a successful online dating experience. The profile area is your space to present not only your biographical information but also other special personal information, photos of yourself and some details of what you are looking for in terms of a potential date and/or partner. Don’t worry though, because while you only get one chance to make a good first impression on a date, you have as many chances as you want on your free online dating profile. Get together with a friend or two when you’re ready to create your profile. They can help you choose the best images.

your photographs

All your photos must be less than seven months old, unless specifically stated otherwise. Your main photo must be a close-up. People should be able to see your eyes. In fact, there are free online dating sites that will suspend your photo posting privileges if your primary photo doesn’t show your eyes.

It must also include at least one full body shot. This way, when you land a first date, there will be no worry about how “different” you look in person. Don’t post too many photos that include other people that could hide your true self or confuse others as to your dating status.

Keep all your profile photos up to date. Include additional photos of you enjoying your favorite hobby or perhaps recent vacation photos. They can give you something to talk about.

your headline

Your headline should make a statement about you or perhaps answer a basic question like, “What qualities do I look for in a man or woman?” However, again, don’t be so smart; you may lose your “reader”.

your description

Your description should focus on three separate sections. The first is about who you really are and some of the different things you enjoy doing. The second could be more about your personal habits or anything unusual or unique that makes you stand out from the crowd. The third should discuss your current activities, the books you have read and the movies you have recently seen.

Additional Tips

Lastly, try to be brief. Share, but be careful not to share too much. Find a comfortable middle ground between letting them know something about you and removing all the mystery. Also use the spell checker. You don’t want a profile that looks mixed.

To sum up these online dating tips, you want to give people an honest representation of yourself, both physically and mentally. Specify a few things that make you stand out. If you took time off to protest at Standing Rock or have a unique collection of some sort, please include it. It will draw people’s attention.