According to research conducted by the Heartmath Institute, times of increased geomagnetic activity coincide with increased hospital admissions (especially for people with heart problems). During those times, researchers have also noted an increase in crashes among youth (due to drunk driving or reckless partying).

However, the Heartmath researchers have also been surprised by a different phenomenon during the same times of increased geomagnetic activity. More precisely, an increase in healing “miracles” from spells (eg, remissions, improved heart and immune system function, etc.) has also been documented.

So how do we reconcile these two seemingly paradoxical phenomena? On the one hand, we have destructive results (hospital admissions and accidents), while on the other hand we have an increase in healing results, both related to the same force, that is, increased geomagnetic activity. How could the same energy source produce two diametrically opposite results among different people? And if it is not the force itself that determines the outcome, what personal characteristics might be the deciding factor as to which outcome will manifest in times of increased geomagnetism.

Although this all seems like a mystery, there is actually a very logical explanation here. The increase in geomagnetic activity is like any other event, neither good nor bad; it is neutral. Quite simply, it is a pulse that offers free energy and strongly resonates with the heart and the heart’s electromagnetic field. More importantly, increased geomagnetic energy amplifies what is already IN our hearts. Therefore, it can bring out the best and the worst in us. Some will use this free energy productively (eg, to heal), while others will use it destructively (eg, for excessive partying or emotional reactivity that causes illness). Who does what with it depends on each and every one of us. If we have a high self-awareness and a well-developed heart intelligence, this free energy will increase our constructive and healing potential (since the heart oversees the immune system and oversees most healing processes). However, if we are not well self-regulated and if we lack emotional intelligence, this energy will increase our reactive inclinations. In other words, it simply makes us more of who we already are.

So who are you in your heart? And what can you do to develop your heart intelligence so that you can harness the free energy available during increased geomagnetic activity? Developing heart intelligence begins with spending time in meditation, contemplation, introspection, prayer, gratitude, and forgiveness. And it ends with doing good and being of service to others. In fact, one can never go wrong in having good thoughts and doing good deeds.