Whether it’s a dog or a cat that you like the most, having a pet can be one of the most enjoyable things you can do for yourself.

Believe it or not, unconditional love exists. Your pet will give you this and more.

You come home after a very stressful day at work and the first thing that greets you is your dog. He is so happy to see you that all your worries and concerns melt away, if only for an instant. He wags his tail with all his might, his eyes go soft and he licks you where he can. How can your heart not burst with happiness?

A cat is a little different. People often have dogs, but cats own their owners. If you have a cat, you know what this means. They don’t always come when you want, but when they do it’s amazing.

When they rub their head against your legs and turn around so you can rub their belly, they suck on you. When you pick up your kitty and listen to him purr in your ear, all your problems go away. And when she snuggles into your arms, so trusting and loving, your only thought is to sit back and let her love and affection surround you.

These are the feelings you have when you have a beloved pet waiting for your return. They are, however, a great investment of your time and money. To care for your pet the right way, you need to vaccinate it and take care of it when it’s sick. Some years my vet bills were higher than my own doctor’s bills, but the rewards far outweighed the cost.

It has even been shown to lift the spirits of elderly nursing home residents when pets are allowed to visit.

If you’re feeling lonely or depressed, a pet could be the answer you’re looking for. Do your research before you decide, but know that the love you receive from a pet is always unconditional and forever. Having a pet really is a wonderful thing.