Much of the success of our high school students is the result of having developed a plan for their high school years. Students who enter ninth grade with some direction about what they want out of high school have a better chance of reaching their goals. Some of the basic skills that should be part of a high school student’s package include knowing how to manage your time, setting and achieving goals, developing positive habits, preparing for and taking a test.

High school students should start each school year with a calendar or planner. The calendar can be used for important dates such as test dates, homework, important projects, and extracurricular activities. Just as necessary is making a “to do” list every day to help manage time. The list should have the critical items listed at the top. The student must check what was completed that day and what needs to be added the next day.

Having something to strive for is part of human nature, and all successful people are always working towards some goal. High school students must also set goals throughout their four-year careers. Short-term and long-term goal setting should be written down and evaluated each year of high school. Students must also know how to monitor the success or failure of their goals. This can be done by mapping out your goals and developing a timeline.

Another successful technique is for students to start the school year with positive routines. Many students have been successful because they followed a set of positive practices that become habits for them. Some of these habits include getting to school and class on time every day, participating in class discussions, studying every night, taking notes in class, preparing for exams and quizzes, bringing supplies to class every day, and eating a good meal. breakfast.

Test taking is another skill that all students need to be successful in high school. Before taking the exam, students should make sure that they are likely to be prepared to pass the exam. This includes taking the time to study as much as possible. Each individual may need a different amount of time to study. The day before the exam is also important because the student needs to get enough rest. On the day of the exam, the student must eat a good breakfast.

When taking a multiple choice test, students should always rule out incorrect answers before choosing the correct answer. This technique could eliminate two wrong answers leaving a fifty percent chance of finding the correct answer. Another helpful approach is to go through the test as quickly as possible, answering questions that students know the correct answers to. Go back and answer the hard questions at the end.

Students who follow some of the techniques listed above will be well on their way to a successful high school career. This article provides a small sample of the direction that successful students should follow.