The Importance of a Real Estate Expert Witness in Land Use Disputes

The government has strict regulations on land use. All of these rules combine to form what we call “land use planning” or a set of policies established to ensure that the use of a particular land mass does not affect or compromise the well-being of the community. For example, if a piece of land is scheduled for residential purposes, business owners who want to build their noisy factories will definitely not be able to enter the area.

But sometimes you can insist on some companies and individual land owners. That is why conflicts and legal disputes arise. Therefore, to help resolve these disputes, a real estate expert can be called in for an expert opinion. This opinion can then be used in court to strengthen the case for either party (defendant and plaintiff / plaintiff).

Guidelines for hiring an expert

There are many people who advertise their expert referral services. But to make sure you pick the right one for the job, here are some guidelines to follow.

1. Experience

When it comes to legal cases, there is no better judgment than experience. Land use disputes can be a difficult and stressful subject to handle, so you want to hire someone who has spent years working not only in the real estate industry but also as an expert witness. You want someone to make suggestions that you can trust because those are the right things to do.

2. Communication skills

There are two types of experts: those who testify and those who do not. But either way, the real estate expert witness you are looking for is someone who can express himself completely well, whether in writing or speaking. You want someone who can articulate and clearly explain the important points needed to resolve the dispute. You want someone who can simplify the technical terms and who can interpret what the regulations mean.

3. Type of suitable experience

The real estate sector is a vast industry. It follows that real estate professionals have different areas of expertise. Therefore, you want to hire an expert witness who specializes in the area relevant to your case. In your search for the right expert witness, you will come across consultants, property management experts, real estate unions, and many more. But only one of them is right for you.