The joy of having a puppy and watching it grow is one of the most rewarding experiences a dog lover could wish for. There are many things that each will discover about the other on the way to establishing a trusting and lasting relationship. One thing that needs to be accomplished first if you’re planning on keeping the pup indoors for any amount of time is housebreaking or house training. Puppies have the ability to learn this right away. This is why it is so important to establish the correct house training routine while the puppy is young. The house training habit a puppy acquires can be hard to break once ingrained, and it can last a lifetime.

One of the most important things to do during a puppy’s initial house training is to observe the puppy. Observe your pup as you check the time. If it’s a beautiful day outside and your pup is very active, it would be a good idea to take him outside more than once an hour. A puppy’s metabolism is so fast that he must consume more water than he would if he were fully grown. Also, to fuel this high metabolism, he must eat much more often. With all this food and water coming in, it’s easy to understand that he has to get out.

You may want to try house training your pup using the paper method, which basically has the pup use the toilet on the papers. Teaching your puppy to go to the bathroom inside, and then waiting for him to transition to go outside will confuse your young pup. This technique will actually make it more difficult and take longer to house train your puppy. You teach your pup that it is not acceptable to use the bathroom in the house by only allowing him to use it outside. Also, the pup may get into the habit of going to the bathroom on him near the newspaper instead of on the newspaper. It is vital that you keep the pup on a regular schedule when going outside.

A very effective system that develops positive results is known as the “box” system. Basically, you keep the pup in a crate for about an hour and then take him outside so he can relieve himself. The crate system trains the puppy to “hold” until he has a chance to relieve himself in an area of ​​your choosing. The logic behind this system is that a puppy doesn’t want to mess up his living area if he doesn’t have to. If your pup relieves him in the crate, it was because he couldn’t hold him anymore and you left him in the crate too long. If this happens, you may compromise this technical training.

House training a puppy is an essential step in dog training if you want your puppy to establish good habits early on. The most important thing to remember with house training a puppy is to be consistent and offer plenty of praise. The process can take a while, and it’s important to understand that as long as your puppy has an accident during training, it’s okay. You just have to increase the frequency of trips abroad. If the puppy has an accident after you’ve finished training, don’t punish him. Just get back into the training process temporarily and you’ll be back on track in no time.