Do you want to lose abdominal fat? If so, then it’s important to know two things.

1. Not all belly fat is created equally.
2. As a woman, when you’re older, you’ll naturally have more belly fat than a man (I know, it’s unfair).

First, let’s look at why belly fat is not created equally. There are two types of abdominal fat: visceral and subcutaneous. Subcutaneous fat is the fat that you can pinch around your waist. Visceral fat is the fat found inside the abdominal muscles that surround the organs. To get defined and toned abs, you have to get rid of both, but specifically the subcutaneous fat, since that is what “masks” your abs.

Visceral fat is very bad because it is linked to many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Visceral fat is also metabolically active, meaning it doesn’t just sit there (like subcutaneous abdominal fat), but can actively promote inflammation that scientists say is the driving force behind many diseases. Fortunately, when you follow a weight loss diet, you will lose both visceral and subcutaneous belly fat.

Now let’s get back to why women gain more belly fat than men as they age. As a woman goes through menopause, research shows that her body fat tends to be deposited less on the thighs, hips, and arms and more on the stomach area.

As you age and your metabolism slows, the amount of fat on your body slowly increases. Women experience an even greater increase in fat percentage than men. Then, after menopause, the distribution of body fat tends to change, less on the arms, legs, and hips, and more on the abdomen. This change in the distribution of body fat is mainly due to the hormonal changes that occur at menopause.

How can you stop this? Preventing the storage of body fat in the stomach is not as complicated as people make it out to be. In fact, you really need to bind stomach fat just like you attack any other type of body fat. You should use a low carb diet, metabolic resistance training, and interval training. This three-pronged approach to weight loss is extremely effective for both men and women. It’s important to realize that as we get older we move less to increase activity and stimulating your metabolism so it burns more calories and burns more fat is the best approach for women who want to lose belly fat (actually, men too). .