You come home from a long hard day at work to find that your dog has chewed on something again! This time he is the cushion of your favorite chair. His blood pressure begins to boil; You feel your face turn red, your hands cling. Your first instinctive reaction is to wring your dog’s neck. But you stop. Calmly but firmly, you lead little Spot out the back door into the yard.

When you start cleaning up the mess (the last thing you want to do after a long day at work) you think, “I wish I knew how to train a dog to stop chewing on my stuff!” You love him with all your heart, but if things don’t change, and fast, you’ll either have to keep him outside all the time or find him a new home. Both remedies seem too harsh. “I’ll search the internet for a solution after dinner,” you think to yourself.

Later that night, you’re at your computer searching the Internet for a solution to your dog’s chewing problem. You come across home remedies like; cayenne pepper, hot sauce, some goofball even suggests hitting it with a newspaper! (Please don’t ever do that.) Perhaps, you come across an ad or post telling you to buy this scientifically proven dog chew spray.

It all sounds promising, so come up with a plan; I’ll order the spay dog ​​chew but in the meantime I’ll try the cayenne pepper and hot sauce remedy. Minutes into your stop dog chewing mission of covering everything your dog has chewed on before you know it, not only are you making a huge mess, but what if you decide to chew something you don’t cover with hot liquid and pepper? ?

The next morning you take a look around the house at the mess you made to protect all your things. Feeling confident, at least for today, nothing else will be destroyed by your happy chewing buddy. And you walk out the door.

Later that night you return home from another hard day at work to discover that your furry best friend has a taste for the spicy side of life. Every place where he applied his home remedy cocktail has been licked or chewed on even more! Funny, you also notice that the bowl of water is completely dry.

A couple days go by, maybe a week, and the solution to this never-ending nightmare is sitting right by your front door. Your order for a scientifically proven dog chew spray bottle has arrived. Excited, you open the package and walk into the house, pausing only for a moment to let your furry little one sniff this good, strong dog chew repellent. He sneezes and runs away.

With confidence, you start spraying your secret weapon on anything in the house.

The next day arrives. Once again you come home after a long and hard day at work. You walk through the door and take a long look around the house to see if your new secret weapon has worked. So far so good, everything looks as you felt it. Feeling relieved, he goes to the fridge, grabs an ice cold drink, and sits down to watch the evening news. But he waits, something is missing. Where the hell is the TV remote?

Your eyes scan the room and there it is, on Spots’s bed in a million pieces. In a fit of rage, you grab your bottle of dog chew potion and read the label; interaction with human bodily fluids may reduce the effectiveness of this product.