Do you often feel like every day is Monday and you have those Monday Blues? Can nothing go right? Do you feel like you ARE Murphy’s Law? Are you consumed by negative thoughts? Have people been scratching at your nerves like nails on a blackboard?

This might surprise you, but if you answered yes to any of the questions above, you would be diagnosed with a prosperity block in all aspects of your life. This blockage is quite common for most: it is a spiritual mud that prevents you from realizing the good in your life. This impediment will block an abundant life and keep you mired in negative thoughts.

What is this impediment and why is it so insidious? It is the lack of forgiveness.

“Give me a break,” you say. “Unforgiveness? An impediment to my prosperity? Be realistic!” But I’m telling you, anything you have against another person, yourself, or your Higher Power will send your attitude into a cesspool of lack.

No, I’m not going to preach to you that you have to forgive seventy times seven (even though Jesus surely knew we wouldn’t get it right the first time or he wouldn’t have preached it) nor are we going to do any snake handling together. (Sorry to disappoint you, snake lovers.) What I’d like you to understand is that KEEPING SCORE in any area of ​​your life will result in a scorecard that adds up to less than it could have: in your relationships. , your job, your happiness and your bank account!

Forgiving other people is not for them, it is for you. If you focus on what so-and-so did to you and all the ways life has been unfair to you (you know that fickle guy, life, right?), you’re setting yourself up as a victim. If you see yourself as a victim and are mired in negative thoughts, you are NOT thriving. You are in a space of complete lack that will destroy any peace of mind and gratitude that you might otherwise enjoy.

When we can treat other people and ourselves with compassion and acceptance, we remove a major obstacle to our prosperity. And it’s not just a forgive-once-and-forever thing; forgiveness is a daily commitment.

Why not take advantage of this process that I enjoy using? When you shower at night, let the day’s problems, physical and mental, wash down the drain with those soap bubbles. Review everything that happened that day and forgive yourself and any other “guilty” parties for what didn’t turn out so nice. Just imagine forgiveness flowing over you like hot water, washing away any hurt feelings or negativity you still have against yourself or someone else. And know that by doing this you are freeing yourself to wake up and have a fabulous day the next day.

Get out of your rut of negative thoughts and take charge of your energy and your life. Forgive anything and anyone that takes up psychic space in your brain. Don’t you need that mind power for your own plans, your own peace of mind, and your own abundant life?

Don’t let unforgiveness drain your energy until you have a negative balance in your life. Put the deposit of time into forgiving others and you will reap important benefits: peace and prosperity and much more.