Congratulations! You have taken the first big step towards becoming your own boss and living on your own.

He knows his industry, how to build a brand, and is very creative about the details of certain business matters.

However, many first-time small business owners fail to put systems in place to get the business moving in the right direction from the start.

This is where the savvy entrepreneur will save time, money, and avoid the inevitable pitfalls that plague many entrepreneurs when they first hire a business coach.

What is a business coach?

A business coach is a lot like a personal trainer at the gym: A good trainer will start by learning your goals, strengths and weaknesses in what you can do well and where you need help. A good coach is able to recognize his abilities and also his fears and areas where he needs to strengthen.

It’s important to know that certification is not required to become a business trainer, so make sure you connect with someone who knows how to work with your business and communicates well. A good business coach should be eager to see you succeed and agree with your goals.

Some questions to ask are:

  • How long has this person been training?

  • How long have you owned your own business?

  • Are you willing to take on a small business?

  • What is your success rate?

  • ask for references

  • What can the coach do for me?

A business coach will offer guidance, expect accountability for assigned tasks, and offer encouragement to help you follow the steps to success.

Many business coaches offer help in their areas of strength.

They help business owners find what they want to do in a particular field. Many call this role a “business efficiency” approach. Business effectiveness can encompass a broad spectrum of sales, customer service, human resources, marketing, leadership, financial management, exit strategy, and succession planning.

As you work with your coach, part of the process will be to establish a safe and trusting relationship. A good way to see if the working relationship can move forward is to feel that you will be heard in the exchanges. A good coach knows that business coaching is not a one-way street. As the business owner, you have a say in the transactions.

Comfort in communication

A phrase used in the industry is “safe place” for business owners, created by the Professional Business Coaches Alliance. Expression is important. The words illustrate a supportive environment for the business owner who should feel free and comfortable to express concerns, opinions, and objections to the coach’s recommendations.

While many well-meaning people like to offer advice, that advice is tainted by the giver’s own fears and experience, however well-intentioned. A coach is impartial and objective.

How do I find a trainer?

Hiring a business coach is not a casual task. It is important understand your goals first. This is not something to give up once you’ve hired a trainer. You are a team and while partnering with a business expert, it remains your responsibility to share your vision for success.

A good approach to finding a business coach is to first analyze your own goals. Did he clearly describe his steps to success in his business plan? Or maybe this is where you should start with your trainer.

A lot depends on the stage of your project. Coaches can help you in the early stages to help you get off to a good start and avoid some of the “rookie” mistakes that often plague the new business owner.

  • Talk to other business owners and ask for references.

  • Search online for companies that offer business coaching and start a dialogue. If the communication is going well, set up a conference call or Skype. You will get a good sense if there is a good connection.

  • During the interview process, see if the person has any good business ideas to offer. Creativity in the coach is key to establishing a solid foundation.

  • Understand what you want from your coach. Have your list of questions ready as you do your research and when you’re ready to interview potential candidates.

  • Your questions should reveal, among other things, emotional intelligence, levels of commitment and communication, the experience you are looking for.

  • Decide if you need a trainer locally with close personal attention or you can work with someone more remote via phone, text and email.

Getting the services of the right business coach for you can make launching a new business less stressful. An early start in the right direction will help you get the foundation you need in those critical early years.

There are times when even the most savvy business person can miss some important key signals due to a laser focus in a different direction. Smart entrepreneurs understand the need to seek an outside perspective.