Popcorn has been a perfect snack for most families while watching television. It is available in many flavors such as caramel, plain savory, tomato, cheese, pickle, salt and vinegar, cheese, white cheddar, holiday corn, and white popcorn.

Popcorn is considered a diet food by many people because it is sugar-free, light, fluffy, and easy to digest. Popcorn contains healthy carbohydrates, which makes it a good source of energy. Popcorn is a whole food and a healthy source of fiber. Popcorn is a great option that works to contain hunger between meals. People can feast on popcorn instead of starving and staying hungry until the next meal.

Popcorn is available in two varieties, buttered and without butter. Large buttered popcorn typically contains 1,500 calories per cup. However, for the diet conscious, non-butter popcorn is available that contains only about 50 calories per cup.

Buttered popcorn is a good staple for a low-calorie diet. Buttered popcorn can get boring and tasteless after a while. There are many things people can do to make non-butter popcorn a tastier snack. A pinch of cinnamon, brown sugar, soy sauce, garlic and onion salt, peanuts, and raisins can add flavor. These are options that make non-butter popcorn a bit sweeter or salty to suit the palate.

People can make popcorn at home or buy it ready to use at local stores. There are grocery stores that sell sugar-free, low-calorie caramel corn, butter-free, sugar-free instant popcorn, and many other varieties. There are also corn kernels available that can be popped at home. People can also choose from many different colors and types of popcorn and popcorn oils at grocery stores. However, all varieties of colored popcorn have a shade of white, but each color has its own unique appearance, texture, and most importantly, flavor.