What is the difference between an intuition, like a feeling or having an idea of ​​something without any real evidence in the material world, hearing an inner voice telling you whether to close or try or not, seeing spirits, angels or other apparitions or just ‘inventing things’? We have probably all had experiences of intuitions, visions and gut reactions. We are all definitely experiencing the ‘inner voice’, or maybe you are just wondering right now: ‘Am I talking to myself or not?’ Well, there you go.

What are you doing with those insights, gut instincts, and inner guidance? You are paying attention? You are listening? Are you judging them as unreal? Are you drowning them with constant activity, drugs or alcohol?

The source of intuition is the collective unconscious, however what you do with it is the question. There are a few ways to react:

1. Not realizing or not being ready

You may not actually be aware of all these signs because your soul is not ready. For you to read this article, I trust you are ready.

two. avoiding

Compared to not being ready, you are avoiding your internal guidance system. In fact, he is aware of them, but chooses to avoid them, most likely because of the associated negative feelings (such as fear, anger, sadness, grievance) that the message might be creating.

3. Insecure

You may be lacking in self-confidence or have been told those visions aren’t real. It is possible that he sees the signs, but doubts that they are really happening to him and thinks that they are irrelevant. You are underestimating your self-esteem.

Four. Pretending to be more or less

You probably think that what your instinct says is not special enough, so you take more advantage of it to feel better about yourself. At the other extreme, you feel that people can’t handle what they show you, so you simplify the messages or don’t even follow them. This is also due to lack of self-confidence and self-esteem.

The question we have to ask ourselves is: ‘What is the intention behind the way we are reacting?’