I am a Black Witch. There. I have said it. A genuine, professional, full-time Black Witch. And the question I get asked more than any other… is Black Magic real?

Absolutely! Well, magic is real, but it’s not always necessarily black and white.

A brief history of witchcraft

A long time ago, long before doctors, lawyers, and therapists, the world was full of people, just as it is today. These people still have. From time to time they still felt wronged and wanted justice. And other times they broke their hearts. They would feel alone, inadequate, lost, or unable to cope, just as people feel today.

But in those days, these people would visit someone like me. To the witch. Someone who would give them a potion, cast a spell or lift a curse, someone who could put the world back in order again.

Wasn’t it all a magic trick?

Scientists have shown that some of those potions that witches administered so many years ago had medicinal properties. But there is still a lot of unexplained ‘magic’ (or magick as it is sometimes spelled) that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Witches and Witchcraft is alive and well in the 21st century. And if it didn’t work… well, frankly, I’d be out of a job.

But black magic and witchcraft are not bad?

Imagine that there is an old lady living in a shack on the outskirts of town. Nobody knows much about her, but they do know that she seems to have the power to solve her problems.

If they have a cold, she has a potion they can take, and a few days later they start to feel much better. If they feel lonely or need a husband, she has a spell, and a few days later they attract the attention of the beautiful man in the next. Word is out: this lady can cast spells and they work!

That’s a lot of power for a little old lady.

For more than 500 years, the Church, the establishment, the scientists of the day, anyone for whom power and respect were a commodity, sought to blacken the name of witches, witchcraft, and magic. That old lady is bad. She works with the devil. Her Magic is BLACK MAGIC.

Well, you know how fast negative gossip spreads!

For much of the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, this spate of negative public relations meant that anyone suspected of being a witch was routinely tortured or executed. Even today, witches are portrayed as ugly and evil creatures. Very little has actually changed

Does Black Magic really work?

If you mean can I use ‘black’ magic to fix your broken heart, find you a new husband, get revenge on your cheating ex-wife, or lift a curse that’s been placed on you, then yes, it works.

However, if you want me to turn you into a dragon, make sure you win the lottery, change a jury’s mind, or get your mean boyfriend out of jail, then no, I can’t do that.

And how do I know? Well, I’ve cast hundreds of spells and curses over the years and have built a reputation for success. I received invitations to weddings from brides and grooms who found their soul mates after a successful spell casting, they sent me pictures of yachts, houses and jewelry that the proud owners never thought they would have and I was invited to so many new store openings and business ventures that were just a dream before they had me cast a spell on them. So ‘yes’ definitely works.

I am the modern counterpart of the lonely girl who lived in the hut, in the forest, in ancient times. Except I don’t live in a shack. Or in the forest. Like my sisters before me, I charge a fee for my services and certainly do not take every case that is offered to me. But if I can help, I will.