When considering lakefront vacation rental homes, statistics suggest that vacationers show a preference for lakefront properties. This can be explained by taking into account the cool breeze, privacy, proximity to the body of water, and the possibility of practicing water sports and swimming during most of the holidays. Lakefront vacation home rentals tend to be privately owned. Otherwise, hoteliers can acquire them and transform them into well-publicized commercial vacation properties. Depending on the property, the scope of the service and the amenities provided vary. Lakefront vacation rental homes, when owned by individuals, are very similar to service apartments. This is because owners tend to hire porters, house cleaners, and chauffeurs to meet the needs of the guests. As such, rents are compared to star rated service apartments within the area.

Lakefront vacation home rentals tend to be expensive compared to regular rental properties. This is determined by the uniqueness of its location and the view it offers to tourists. Vacation homes can provide boat rentals, swimming equipment, and underwater equipment rentals as part of all-inclusive vacation packages. Lakefront vacation home rentals are preferred by larger families and families with children. This is because these vacations provide a source of continuous recreational activities as well as being an ideal platform to allow family members to bond through fun and games.

Although they are classified as residential real estate in most cases, these purchases turn out to be much more expensive than normal homes. Owners rarely use lakefront vacation homes except during vacations and family gatherings. If these properties are big enough, the owners can use them even when guests are staying. As such, they are almost always rented and help generate favorable returns for the owners. In case the owners do not reside within the same city, they can grant rights and responsibilities of rental activity to reputable real estate agents who work on their behalf in exchange for a regular service charge.