In a previous article, I discussed learning repair skills by 1) trying to make repairs as you find them and using your investment repair top house as a “practice” house; and, 2) taking community college classes in the construction trades.

Two other ways to learn repair skills are to 1) reflect on past experiences and people who were good role models, and 2) build your own reference library of repair books.

1.) Reflecting on the Past

After I got more involved in the repair work on my investment houses, I remembered how my father had taught me a lot by example. I remember seeing him build screened in porches on several houses we had lived in. I was too young to be of much help at the time, or to appreciate what he was doing. Looking back, I realize that it took a strong desire to learn the basics and a sense of self-confidence to build it. He had no formal training in construction, and he didn’t have reference books like I did, but he learned by looking at other porches that had been built in the neighborhood and talking to people.

I also have a friend who has made a career of living frugally. He does virtually all of his own home repair and auto repair work. If he gets stuck, he goes to the library and finds books to help him. It helps that he has experience teaching vocational education. We’ve helped each other with home repair projects over the years, and he’s a trusted source of practical advice when I need help.

There may be people around you who can teach you a lot about home repairs. This is the kind of person who can be an invaluable resource to you. Make sure to take them out to lunch once in a while.

2.) Put together a library of home repair books

I like to browse the bookstore areas of used bookstores looking for good buys. I buy a book as soon as I see it if I know it has valuable information. If you wait to buy the book, you may come back later and find that the book you wanted is missing. The price you pay will literally be a drop in the bucket compared to the money you save. I have books on just about every possible repair topic, including electrical wiring, plumbing, flooring, you name it. Some books offer information on a wide variety of repairs. Reader’s Digest Do-It-Yourself Manual Y Better Home and Gardens Complete Guide to Home RepairsThey are good books to start with. From there, you may need to go to a more electrically or plumbing focused book. Books from The Home Depot are generally good options to include in your library. I have several.

When a book isn’t enough, you can usually get good advice on specific jobs at hardware stores, like Ace Hardware. And you can often get great advice on tough repairs by doing a Google search.