What exactly is an exclusive debt settlement initiative? An exclusive lead of any type is an interested prospect who has been specially qualified for your business and will not be shared with any other company. Truly exclusive debt leads It will also be branded with your company name, so they expect to hear from you and only you. The problem is, with Americans soaring in debt and mortgages slowing, there’s been a gold rush of consultants and debt specialists eager to help their fellow Americans. This means that the demand for unique leads is increasing and lead generation companies are getting rich by taking shortcuts and reselling the same leads over and over again. Live debt transfer telemarketing is one way to combat scalping, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and here’s why.

Exclusive debt settlement leads are not just generated as a stand-alone process. I work in a call center that makes thousands of calls every day to businesses, homeowners, and of course, borrowers. By the laws of probability alone, many of these prospects do not qualify for our product due to their financial status or debt of over $10,000 or more. This gives us the unique opportunity to turn a worthless lead into a debt settlement exclusive lead and transfer them live to a sales agent immediately.

Buying leads for debt

You can pay anywhere from $15 to $65 per lead, depending on demographics, criteria filters, and exclusivity. What they don’t want you to know is also the most important thing to look for and that is how many times they are selling the same lead because EXCLUSIVITY is the key. Exclusive debt settlement leads can only be generated from telemarketing. Also, only through the telemarketing process can you verify exclusive debt leads over the phone to make sure the client is not working with any other debt consultant. Exclusive debt tracks are transferred in real time to your office. Another thing they don’t want you to know is that most debt leads are generated from banner ads and affiliate websites, sometimes promoting services that can’t be offered or worse, the lead just submits their information. hoping to win a free Ipod. Let’s face it and call a spade a spade, cheap internet leads are just that, “cheap” and telemarketing is clearly the best way to pass off a debt exclusive lead.

Live Debt Transfer Leads

Generating the interest for a debt program is an easy sell when the client has a genuine need, such as $10,000 or more in unsecured debt and piling up bills. If the lead is interested in the program, the telemarketer will spend about ten minutes on the phone asking questions to make sure they meet the criteria of a debt-only lead before putting the lead on hold and transferring the call on live to an agent in your office, this is called a live transfer debt advantage. Live transfer exclusive debt leads ensure that the client meets your criteria and puts them in front of your sales team while they are hot and ready to move on. Every live transfer that meets the criteria and is interested in receiving help is approved immediately!