Nystatin is an antifungal drug, commonly prescribed to treat yeast and yeast infections. It is considered a relatively safe drug for treating oral or gastrointestinal problems belonging to candida species.

Nystatin has been a proven cure for cutaneous, vaginal, mucosal, and esophageal candidiasis. It is even prescribed to treat neonatal oral candidiasis over one month of age. However, for younger babies, miconazole is the appropriate alternative medicine.

So how does nystatin cure your yeast infection?

Nystatin attaches to ergosterol, which is a main component of the cell membrane of the fungus, Candida albicans or any other fungus. When nystatin is present in adequate amounts in the fungal cell membrane, it can form pores in the membrane, causing potassium ions to escape from the cell and cause the fungus to die.

Why does the drug not affect humans?

The reason is that ergosterol is quite unique to fungal cell membranes. Therefore, it does not have any catastrophic effect on animals or humans. Also, since nystatin is not absorbed from the gut, it is safe to drink orally and has no problems with drug interactions, especially if you are taking other medications.

However, nystatin does cause some side effects, but not everyone is susceptible to this. Some of the side effects are itching, irritation and burning in the vagina when used to treat that part of the body. For tablets and liquid nystatin, these are common side effects: diarrhea, upset stomach, stomach pain, and rash. If you think the side effect is too much to bear, you’d better see a doctor.

What are the forms of Nystatin plus, when and how to use it?

Tablet or lozenge (lozenges): Nystatin lozenge is usually swallowed with water, while the lozenges dissolve in the mouth rather than swallowed or chewed. It is much more effective that way in treating oral yeast infection. Then continue using nystatin pills even if the symptoms of oral yeast infection have decreased. Use nystatin pills for two more days.

Liquid form: Nystatin liquid bottle should be shaken well before each use so that the medicine is evenly distributed. For mouth infections, use three to five times a day. So put half a dose of the liquid on each side of your mouth, swish, gargle for one minute, and swallow. Afterward, do not drink water immediately. Wait at least five minutes before doing so. For intestinal infections, take medications three times a day and simply swallow them straight without gargling or swishing.

Vaginal creams and tablets: Nystatin vaginal creams and tablets are commonly applied once or twice a day to the vaginal area. The tablets are almost always used for a period of two weeks for women who are not pregnant. While pregnant women can also use Nystatin for three to six weeks before giving birth.

Here are some instructions to follow when inserting tablets or creams into the vagina. First, read the instructions before starting the application. Along with the cream or tablet there is a special applicator, fill the applicator to the indicated level. Next, lie on the bed on your back with your knees bent, apart, and your feet flat on the bed. Relax, then gently insert the applicator into your vagina (as high as you can) and press the plunger to release the medicine. Afterward, remove the applicator and rinse it with warm soapy water while washing your hands to prevent the spread of yeast infection.

Additional Tips: You can use sanitary napkins to protect your underwear and clothing from stains. However, a tampon is not recommended because it will only absorb the medication. Do not douche unless directed by a doctor and continue to use Nystatin even if you have your period in the middle of treatment.

If you miss a dose, apply the medicine as soon as you remember or if the next dose is close, skip the one you forgot and never try to double the dose just to make up for the one you forgot.

What are the Nystatin brands available in pharmacies?

To name a few: Nystan (oral tablets, topical ointments), Infestat, Nystalocal, Nystamont, Nystop (topical powder), Nystex, Mykinac, Nysert (vaginal suppositories), Nystaform (topical cream and ointment), Nilstat (vaginal tablet, oral drops ), Korostatin (vaginal tablets), Mycostatin (vaginal tablets and topical powder), Nidoflor, Lystin and many more …