Sitting for long periods of time will not only make you feel stiff and uncomfortable, but it can also cause serious damage to your back if you do it regularly. To avoid this type of injury and discomfort, it is recommended to take a break every half hour or so to stretch your back and flex your muscles. It is also recommended that you use a chair that can support your back and keep you comfortable even after long periods of sitting.

This is the reason why most offices today offer ergonomic chairs for their employees who have to sit for several hours in front of the computer. But what if you work from home and still have to be in front of the computer most of the time? Of course, an ergonomic office chair would still work, but it certainly doesn’t look very homey. If you don’t want to create a corporate atmosphere within your home, you should take a look at other feasible seating options like the papasan chair.

Papasan chairs are round, bowl-shaped chairs made from rattan topped with a round cushion that is thick enough to be extremely comfortable even if you sit on them for long periods. At first glance, one probably wouldn’t think the chair would be very useful for work because the uses that would immediately come to mind are things like kicking back to watch a movie, curling up to read a good book, or chatting with friends. while drinking wine, and other similar activities.

While it’s true that the papasan chair definitely works great for all of the purposes listed above, it can also be invaluable to someone who works from home and uses a lot of the computer. The biggest problem people face when sitting in front of the computer for a long period of time is the risk of back pain and neck injuries. But if you replace your regular chair with a papasan chair, you’ll instantly notice the difference.

If you use a desktop computer, the papasan chair is likely too large for you to tilt all the way back while you work. This means that you would have to sit with your butt against the front edge of the chair, keeping your back straight without support. However, whenever you feel a bit tired and want to rest your back and neck, all you have to do is move your butt back a few inches and you can lean back comfortably and get that much-needed rest.

On the other hand, if you’re using a laptop, which is what most people use these days, you can sit comfortably in the papasan chair and conveniently work with your computer on your lap, and both your back and back. your neck resting comfortably on the chair’s thick padded cushions. Of course, even with this super-comfortable position, it’s still a good idea to stand up and stretch at least every hour to keep your blood circulating and prevent your body parts from going numb.

As well as being ergonomically effective, the papasan chair also adds a lot of charm to your home. Depending on the colour, pattern and fabric you choose for the cushion cover, you can turn this versatile chair into something fun, formal, homey or even quirky. Best of all, good quality papasan chairs are highly durable, so they can last for many years.