After becoming a personal trainer, you should have a plan in mind for how you plan to build your client base. People hire personal trainers because they want to achieve a particular result. Goals and objectives provide you and your clients with a plan to follow in an effort to achieve an agreed upon goal. Basically, goals and objectives help you see how well your clients are doing and how well they are progressing compared to what your end goal is.

Your clients’ goals are your strength to work for. Wanting to get into the gym is the first big step. By becoming a personal trainer, you are the key to activating your clients’ goals. If you don’t set goals and objectives with your clients, your dedication to exercise may diminish over time. Goals are very influential motivators. If your clients set goals, they are much more likely to do what is essential to achieve them. Goal-setting people are much more loyal to the required outcome, and without loyalty you will have very little achievement. Goals increase concentration and strength in both the coach and the client.

Think of that client who said she needed to lose twelve pounds. Your goal may be to: burn about 1,500 calories a day, exercise for an hour, exercise five times a week, and lift weights twice a week for an hour. You know exactly what you want to do and you check your goals on a daily basis. When you wake up in the morning, you will know exactly what to do. This is much more effective than if the same woman woke up with no plan or idea where to start.

Some of the people who use it will have had some kind of mental or emotional problem with their weight and, therefore, they will not be sure of their physical condition. For example, the woman who is still trying to lose her baby weight after fifteen years, or the man who wants to be physically fit but is too busy at work. When you set small achievable goals for people like this and when they reach them, they will begin to feel much more confident and optimistic about what they have the ability to accomplish. The end result will be setting new and more difficult goals, all in an effort to get even fitter. They will begin to want to exercise and enjoy it; and that is the greatest benefit of all.