Shih Tzu puppies are one of the most loyal and loving companions. From birth, they try to please you. However, if they are not trained, they can become hyperactive and destructive. If you don’t know when to train these pups, you could have a furry tornado circling your house, destroying everything in its path. Training a Shih Tzu early is a good idea and it is quite simple:

  • The best time to start training a Shih Tzu puppy is between 8 and 10 weeks. Since you technically shouldn’t separate the puppy from the mother before this time, it’s a good idea to start right away when you bring your Shih Tzu puppy home.
  • Start by taking your pup to a designated spot in your yard after meals, long naps, waking up in the morning, and when your pup is left alone for extended periods.
  • Puppies at this age do not understand commands; this takes time. At around 8 weeks, start by confining the little pup to a 5′ by 5′ square in his garden. Point your finger at the spot and repeat a phrase that the little pup can remember. Be consistent and use this place, phrase, and finger pointing. It is best to do this immediately after meals so that you can be sure that there will be elimination.
  • Praise the pup by hugging and petting him when he has a successful elimination instead. After a while, you can start giving them treats.
  • At 8-10 weeks of age, it’s not a good idea to punish the puppy for indoor accidents. They have no idea that this is not acceptable, so there would be no point in punishing them.