In modern times, the Internet is used to promote the trade of different products, from a small needle to airplanes. There is hardly any product that is not sold and bought through the use of the Internet. It will not be wrong to state that “If it is not available on the Internet, it does not exist”. If the Internet is the most influential communication medium of this generation, then crude oil also has the distinction of being the most important product or raw material in the modern world. Let’s take a closer look at how the world’s largest promoter of trade (the Internet) helps crude oil buyers purchase this highly sought after commodity.

There are online commercial trading platforms that offer the opportunity for both buyers and sellers (of crude oil) to search for suitable matches. Obtaining the allocation of crude oil from various refineries is still a very complicated job. Establishments that fail to obtain these allocations have no choice but to trust the companies that did manage to obtain them. There are many smaller companies (agents) in the supply chain who know the companies that already have these assignments up close and look for buyers on their behalf. Most of the time, these brokers uploaded their sales offers on crude oil trading web portals.

As a buyer of crude oil, the first step would be to visit one of these websites and register your company with them. Registration on the website will give you privileges to browse through various sections of this website and free your hands to examine the details listed therein. The easiest way to search for sellers here would be by using the ‘search’ option available on almost all of these websites and mentioning your search parameters there. Almost instantly, by clicking the button, you can get a list of providers that meet your search criteria. You can review this list and can further refine it based on your liking and understanding of these search results.

The details that you can obtain through a crude oil trading portal may include, the name of the selling company, its address and other contact details, its current turnover, information on its main markets, how much and how much crude are offering, idea of ​​price and port of loading. This information would be good enough to further refine this list to some companies that you believe are genuine and serious about their sales offers. You can contact these companies individually confirming your interest in their offerings and ask for more details and present your credentials to them as well.

If all goes well and to your liking, after the initial exchange of information, you could have a face-to-face meeting to make the final contact and the deed of sale. What started with a few clicks in your web browser could end up in a successful million dollar sales contract.